Freedom Socialist Party
=80 International Executive Committee =80 PO Box 266 West Brunswick VIC 3055
AUSTRALIA =80 Phone/fax: 61-3-9386-5065 =80 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The following article "Let's Reclaim the Fourth International" is 
published in the current issue of the Freedom Socialist newspaper.

The International Executive Committee of the Freedom Socialist Party 
invites Trotskyists around the world who are concerned about the 
future of the Fourth International and share our perspective to work 
with us.


We look forward to hearing from you!

Alison Thorne
International Executive Committee Coordinator

Or to find out more visit

Let's reclaim the Fourth International!

by Guerry Hoddersen

Sixty-two years after Leon Trotsky founded the Fourth International 
(FI), the organization is in deep trouble - not new trouble, but 
worse than ever. After long degeneration, the FI threatens now to 
turn into its opposite - to devolve from a revolutionary leadership 
body into an aimless network of loosely affiliated radicals.

This is a crisis that the far-flung forces of Trotskyism, the Freedom 
Socialist Party included, must rise to, laying aside past differences 
and joining together to keep alive an entity with the unique 
potential to develop world revolt into world socialist revolution.

First and foremost, the FI was designed to be the embodiment of a 
political program based upon all of the lessons learned in key 
working class struggles. At its founding, these events ranged from 
the defeat of the 1871 Paris Commune, to the triumph of the Russian 
Revolution, to the role of Stalinism in making possible the rise of 

The International's second purpose was to be the organizational means 
for unifying and coordinating the workers' movements, using the 
democratic centralist model created by Lenin and the Bolsheviks of 
the early Third International.

The need for such an organization today is profound. Following the 
tremendous Seattle protests against the World Trade Organization, the 
question on the mind of every activist has been: what next? The job 
of a healthy international is to be ready to answer that question.

Just as the need is great, so are the opportunities. From the 
uprising in Chiapas against the signing of NAFTA to the bold 
wharfies' strike in Australia, the past few years have been marked 
with manifold signs of working and oppressed people awakening to our 
common interests and potential power.

But at just this promising moment, the leadership majority of the 
Fourth International (United Secretariat) is proposing to junk the 
entire legacy of the FI and liquidate the world party. By revising 
the statutes of the FI, they want literally to turn back the clock; 
they intend to propose at the World Congress in 2001 that the FI be 
remade in the image of the First International, a goulash of 
political types that caused Marx and Engels no end of frustration 
before its inevitable collapse.

If their plans are approved, the FI will become a virtually 
program-free hodgepodge of socialists, anarchists, social democrats, 
ex-Stalinists and Greens. It will cease to be an agent for world 
revolution and turn into yet another obstacle to be overcome, a 
"progressive" swamp where well-meaning people are derailed, 
demoralized, confused and co-opted.

In the last decade, the FI majority has been deeply unnerved by the 
fall of the USSR, the free-market offensive, the unparalleled 
dominance of U.S. imperialism, and growth in the social democracy. 
Demoralization has given rise to opportunism, the willingness to junk 
revolutionary principle in search of quick fixes and easy popularity. 
This flows from seeing the global glass as half empty rather than 
half full.

In the manifesto "Socialism or Barbarism on the Eve of the 21st 
Century", the FI devotes scant attention to the beating Stalinism has 
taken in the last decade and what this means: imperialism has lost 
its most significant prop for undermining revolutionary upsurge. The 
massive entry of women into the global workforce and the rise of 
international feminism, the most powerful social movement of the last 
three decades, is likewise skipped over; the liberation movements of 
other specially oppressed groups of workers are barely mentioned.

No wonder the FI leadership sees the world as a depressed and 
depressing place. They are not looking in the right places! By 
underestimating the capacity of the super-exploited to revitalize the 
entire working class, they completely overestimate the stability of 
world capitalism.

Having sought fruitlessly in the past for a "new mass vanguard" among 
students and in heavy industry, they are now ready to throw in the 
towel, a victim of their own blindness to the portentous sea changes 
that began under their noses three decades ago.

The Freedom Socialist Party has existed for 30 years outside the FI, 
but not by choice. Despite our enforced isolation, we consider 
ourselves inheritors of the tradition out of which the FI was born 
and on which the program is based. It is our movement, if not our 

Today, Socialist Action (SA) is leading the fight against the 
liquidators in the Fourth International. In a letter written by U.S. 
FSP National Secretary Henry Noble to SA on behalf of our party's 
International Executive Committee, we said this:

"We are completely committed to your fight within the F.I. and want 
to work with S.A. in a comradely and respectful manner to promote the 
cause of revolutionary socialism at this important juncture.... And 
so we offer your forces here and elsewhere our assistance and promise 
to rise above past differences for the good of our movement."

Hereby, we extend that same offer to each and every Trotskyist who 
believes as we do about the importance of the FI's future. Let us 
come together to make a difference at the 2001 World Congress!

To contact the Freedom Socialist newspaper: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To contact Guerry Hoddersen: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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