The following report can be found at

Founder of the SWP dies

Tony Cliff (Ygael Gluckstein), born 20 May 1917, died 9 April 2000 in London.

Tony Cliff built the largest socialist organisation in Britain in the 
second half of the twentieth century, the Socialist Workers Party (UK). 
Through the SWP and its predecessor, the International Socialists, he 
influenced the workers movement in many other countries.

We have many differences with the SWP/IS and Tony Cliff, but we still 
salute his contribution to rousing new generations of people to political 
life, mobilising their activity in the class struggle.

Part of our tendency originated in the International Socialists in the 
1970s. Clearly we developed major programmatic differences with comrade 
Cliff. Nor were these on minor or on secondary matters.

They touched on all the principle questions on which he himself differed 
from Trotsky - the theory of State Capitalism, the Permanent Arms Economy, 
deflected Permanent Revolution, and the very question of the Fourth 
International itself.

On these questions as well as on many tactical and strategic questions in 
the ongoing class struggle of the last 25 years we differed sharply with 
Cliff. Some of these differences are aired in articles on this site. A full 
political obituary will appear in due course.

But for those of us who were won to revolutionary activity by him, Tony 
Cliff will also be remembered with gratitude and affection as an 
indefatigable fighter for the liberation of the working class.

Cliff was someone who devoted his entire life to that struggle. That alone 
commands our admiration and respect.

We send our condolences to his companion and comrade of 55 years, Chanie, 
his four children and all his comrades and friends around the world.

Paul Foot, SWP member and LSA candidate, has written an obituary in the 


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