-------- Original Message --------
Subject: SACRED RUN 2000 (Australia)
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 09:38:00 +1000
From: Friends of the Earth Sydney - Forestry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Recipient List Suppressed:;

Dear people, (apologies for cross posting)

could you please network this message far and wide.  If you or people
you know live along the route - please get involved.  This will be a
good warm up for the Olympics as well.


for earth and life - for future generations

Early June, in the year 2000 we will embark on an 88 day spiritual relay

run covering close to 11,000km starting in Sydney.  The purpose of this
run is to connect with the Indigenous people of Australia, and together
in a spiritual way, try to raise people's awareness towards issues
affecting not only the indigenous communities but our future generations

and the fragile balance between humanity and the environment.

The time has come for us to look at these issues.  These are connected
to our spirituality, the survival of humanity and all living things that

share this planet we call Mother Earth.  We have to put an end to the
greed and power hungry, money orientated society which has become the
cause of the environmental destruction and genocide of Indigenous

Runners from all over the world led by Native Americans will come
together to connect with the Indigenous people of Australia, as they
travel across the land.  Each day is spent with the local community
sharing an evening meal and cultural exchange.



'Spirituality is the foundation of our purpose.  Sprituality directs our

daily lives;  hourly, daily, monthly, yearly.  From the beginning of
time, Native Americans have believed in the complete cycle of being.
That cycle is sacred.  Every living species:  human being, bird, tree,
plant, fish and insect is sacred.  The earth itself, is parent to all,
is sacred."

Dennis Banks (Anishinabe)  International Sacred Run Director and Coach.

PH/FAX:  (02) 9386 4693

SACRED RUN WEBSITE:  http://home.iprimus.com.au/run2000

State Organisers:

Victoria:  Marcus Atkinson:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Mobile:
0412 959534 or
Indigenous Solidarity Group c/o Friends of the Earth [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ph:  (03) 9419 8700
NSW:  Sue Andrew:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Ph:  (02) 9386 4693
Qld:  Sharon Kinchela:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Ph:  (07) 3282 0503
ACT:  Katrina Fanning:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Ph:  (02) 6207


If you would like to help organise things like food, accomodation,
cultural events, route, road marking, camping equipment, fundraising,
laundry, media, medical services, healing, massage etc  - please contact

the people listed below.

Your donations and support would be greatly appreciated in order to
create this special event.  Individuals, organisations and businesses
interested in sponsoring a runner are invited to contact the Sacred Run
head office on (02) 9386 4693.

You may be able to apply for a grant for your community to sponsor a
local runner


1st June: Sydney to Newcastle
2nd June: Newcastle to Quirindi
3rd June: Quirindi to Narrabri
4th June: Narrabri to Moree
5th June: Moree to Goondawindi
6th June: Goondawindi to Toowoomba
7th June: REST DAY
8th June: Toowoomba to Cherbourg
9th June: Cherbourg to Mundubberra
10th June: Mundubberra to Biloela
11th June: Biloela to Rockhampton
12th June: Rockhampton to Sarina
13th June: Sarina to Bowen
14th June: Bowen to Townsville
15th June: REST DAY
16th June: Townsville to Tully
17th June: Tully to Cairns
18th June: REST DAY
19th June: Cairns to Lakeland
20th June: Lakeland to Cohen
21st June: Cohen to Weipa
22nd June: Weipa to Torres Strait Islands
23rd June: REST DAY
24th June: REST DAY
25th June: Torres Strait Islands to Cairns
26th June: Cairns to Georgetown
27th June: Georgetown to Normanton
28th June: Normanton to Burketown
29th June: Burketown to Doomagee
30th June: REST DAY

1st July: Doomadgee to Robinson River
2nd July: Robinson River to Borroloola
3rd July: Borroloola to Nathan River
4th July: Nathan River to Urapunga
5th July: Urapunga to Mataranka
6th July: Mataranka to Katherine
7th July: REST DAY
8th July: REST DAY (Run to Jabiluka)
9th July: REST DAY (Run to Jabiluka)
10th July: REST DAY
11th July: Katherine to Timber Creek
12th July: Timber Creek to Kununarra
13th July: Kunanurra to Turkey Creek
14th July: Turkey Creek to Halls Creek
15th July: REST DAY
16th July: REST DAY
17th July: Halls Creek to Billiluna (Mindibungu?)
18th July: Billiluna to Rabbit Flat
19th July: Rabbit Flat to Chilla Well
20th July: Chilla Well to Yuendumu
21st July: REST DAY
22nd July: Yuendumu to Alice Springs
23rd July: Alice Springs to Uluru
24th July: REST DAY
25th July: Uluru to Chandler
26th July: Chandler to Cooper Peddy
27th July: REST DAY
28th July: Cooper Peddy to Glendambo
29th July: Glendambo to Woomera
30th July: Woomera to Port Augusta
31st July: Port Augusta to Port Wakefield

1st Aug: Port Wakefield to Adelaide
2nd Aug: REST DAY
3rd Aug: Adelaide to Goolwa (Hindmarsh Island)
4th Aug: Goolwa to Cantara (Kingston SE)
5th Aug: Cantara to Mt Gambier
6th Aug: Mt Gambier to Portland
7th Aug: Portland to Apollo Bay
8th Aug: Apollo Bay to Melbourne
9th Aug: REST DAY (Ferry to Tasmania)
10th Aug: Devonport to Smithton
11th Aug: Smithton to Queenstown
12th Aug: REST DAY
13th Aug: Queenstown to Tarraleah
14th Aug: Tarraleah to Hobart
15th Aug: Hobart to Bicheno
16th Aug: Bicheno to Scottsdale
17th Aug: Scottsdale to Davenport
18th Aug: REST DAY (Ferry to Melbourne)
19th Aug: Melbourne to Port Welshpool
20th Aug: Port Welshpool to Lake Tyres
21st Aug: Lake Tyres to Cann River
22nd Aug: Cann River to Wallaga Lake
23rd Aug: Wallaga Lake to Canberra
24th Aug: REST DAY
25th Aug: Canberra to Moss Vale
26th Aug: Moss Vale to Sydney

TOTAL = 13,137km


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