After the Annual General Meeting of the Free Speech Committee

Approx 8pm at St Stephens Anglican Church Hall,
on the corner of Richmond Terrace and Docker Street, Richmond.
Church St, Richmond
Thursday May 4th 2000

Thursday May 4th 2000

When a chemical plant explodes, a young child dies from a disease
contracted at a  fast food outlet, or an industry wants to counter
criticism from community groups, corporate 'spin doctors' are there. For
the PR industry, bad news is good news.

Based on the detailed case study of the campaign run by the world's
fourth largest PR firm, Shandwick,  for the NZ Government owned logging
company, Timberlands, Burton will canvass issues such as the tactics used
in corporate PR campaigns and the implications of the new corporate
activism on democratic debate.

Bob Burton is a Canberra based freelance journalist who specialises in
writing on the public relations industry  including articles for the US
based investigative magazine, PR Watch, and last year co-authored a book
with New Zealand writer, Nicky Hager. The book,  Secrets and Lies: the
anatomy of an anti-environmental PR campaign (Craig Potten Publishing,
New Zealand) will be on sale afterwards.

He is also the editor of Mining Monitor, a quarterly news-magazine on the
mining industry in Australia published by the Sydney based non-government
organisation, the Mineral Policy Institute.

(Only financial member of the FSC can participate in the AGM, which
starts at 7.30pm, but all are welcome to the discussion afterwards).

(If you can't make it to the meeting, Secrets and Lies is being distributed 
in Australia through John Reed Book Distribution, 57 Sir Thomas Mitchell 
Drive, Davidson, NSW 2085 Australia Ph:   02 9939 3041Fax: 061 2 9453 4545. 
They only sell to bookshops but your local bookstore should be able to 
order in a copy).



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