Teachers squeezed to pay Olympic debt

The following article was published in "The Guardian", newspaper
of the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday,
May 10th, 2000. Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills.
Sydney. 2010 Australia. Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
CPA Central Committee: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"The Guardian": <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Webpage: http://www.cpa.org.au>
Subscription rates on request.

While last week's 24 hour strike by NSW teachers was yet another
message to the Carr Government that teachers drew the line
against the further undermining of public education months ago,
when the Government first sparked the dispute, there is another
item on the agenda which has been kept way in the background by
the Government: the cost of the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games.

by Marcus Browning

Part of the Government's strategy is a pay deal it has struck
with three public sector unions; the Public Service Association,
the Health and Research Employees' Association and the NSW
Nurses' Association.

The deal includes a two percent pay increase each year for 2000
and 2001, followed by three percent in 2002, four percent prior
to the state election in 2003 and five percent following soon
after that election (assuming Carr is re-elected).

These minimal rises -- which are to be offset by productivity
"efficiency" trade-offs -- are part of a cost-cutting exercise
connected to the looming Olympic debt.

State public school teachers declined to enter into the deal and
so are now being belted from pillar to post by the Labor
Government to try and force them to "contribute" to the
alleviation of what is to be a monster Olympic economic hangover.

That does not rule out a political agenda. As the Teachers'
Federation observed: "The suggestion that public school teachers
be paid less, and that casual teachers continue to be paid
significantly less, than teachers in the non-government sector,
whose salaries are largely funded by the Government, represents
an attack on public education."

It was in November last year when teachers were handed an
unacceptable package which would have pulled the insides out of
their award conditions and wages.

The Government's award application also came with an insulting
pay offer attached that was below the inflation rate.

In fact the Minister for Education, John Aquilina, had pulled the
plug on meaningful negotiations as far back as October 1998 when
he failed to respond to a salaries and status claim from the NSW
Teachers' Federation.

Last year's hit list, which was delivered by Director General of
Education Ken Boston, included school hours of 7am to 10pm Monday
to Saturday, schools to be open 50 weeks a year, all teachers to
have their teaching hours increased and face an annual inspection
by the Department in order to progress to the next pay level.

Secondary school principals would have job security for only five
years and would be subject to annual performance reviews.

They would -- along with school counsellors, home liaison
officers and career advisors -- also have their annual holidays
reduced by four weeks.

As the dispute became sharper, and it became clear that the
Government had no intention of trying to peacefully resolve the
issues -- it was actually on a course to impose retrograde
changes -- its tactics turned dirty.

Taxpayers' money was used in a media campaign to vilify teachers
and turn the public against them.

Yet, despite the intimidation and the impression created by the
Government that anarchy reigned, only 15 school days have been
lost during the entire protracted dispute.

The State's Independent Education Union reached agreement with
Catholic school employers in a process which set aside the
draconian demands and allowed for a comprehensive agreement to be
negotiated, something the Carr Government refuses to do.

In the final analysis the Federation is actually fighting for the
viability of the public education system so that the system can
provide a quality education for its masses of students.

As such, it also wants the Government to address the drastic
teacher shortage, the attempt to reduce their wages and
conditions only acts as a deterrent to people seeking to enter
the profession.

The Federation gives, as an example of the dire situation,
research indicating that by 2004 governments will only be able to
meet 81 percent of demand for primary school teachers and only 66
percent of demand for high school teachers.

Add to this the ruthless drive by the Federal Government to
undermine public education nationally through the enrolment
benchmark adjustment scheme which funnels Commonwealth funding
into private schools, and you have the makings of a major crisis
in public education.

At the moment, for every dollar the Federal Government gives the
private system, only 42 cents goes to state schools. By 2002 the
public system will have lost $800 million through this scheme.

"The salary increases `offered' [by the Government] will not
provide the necessary incentive to retain experienced teachers in
schools, nor attract graduates in the numbers required to address
this massive teacher shortage", warned the Federation.

Last week's 24 hour strike was yet again caused by the Carr
Government's rejection of the Federation's proposal "for
arbitration of outstanding matters".

Teachers reaffirmed their stand, calling for:

* no salary discounting;
* salary parity for casual school teachers;
* pay equity for part-time TAFE teachers;
* no increased work load for teachers;
* respect for teacher professionalism.

Teachers have also noted the Carr Government's embracing of the
"New Labour" idea touted by the Blair Government in Britain, the
Premier declaring that the NSW ALP would be following the Blair
blueprint, a form of slash-and-burn extreme right economic
policies allied with a move to cut the ALP's ties to the union

This accounts for the Government's utter contempt for the NSW
Teachers' Federation in this dispute. And someone will have to
pay for the mountain of Olympic debt now piling up -- a debt that
will take years to settle. But it won't be the Government's
corporate cohorts, so the squeeze is now on essential services
such as education.


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