The Sydney University Institute of Criminology announces:

"Protest, Policing and the Olympics"

A seminar facilitating discussion on the sorts of protests that might be 
staged around the Sydney Olympics, and the types of responses that could be 

Tuesday, 13 June, from 5:00pm at the Assembly Hall, Sydney University Law 
School, Phillip Street.

Convenor:  Associate Professor Chris Cunneen, Director, Institute of 

Chair:  Mr Ian Cohen, MLC, NSW State Parliament

Speakers:  Mr Tim Anderson, Council for Civil Liberties
Ms Amanda Cornwall, Public Interest Advocacy Centre
Ms Gabrielle Kuiper, Critical Mass
Mr Lyall Munro, Metropolitan Land Council
Ms Beth Jewell, Olympic Impacts Coalition

Registration: $10 waged / $5 unwaged & concessions
Register on-line, via the Institute of Criminology web site:

Alternatively contact:

Tessa Boyd-Caine
Institute of Criminology
University of Sydney
173-175 Phillip Street
Sydney University Law School
NSW 2000

Phone: (61) (2) 9351 0239
Fax:   (61) (2) 9351 0200    Attn: Institute of Criminology



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