
Fiji unions have requested messages of solidarity for the general strike
taking place on Monday 22 May to oppose the attempted coup against the
democratically elected government of Fiji.

The Fiji Trade Union congress has asked all unions in the Asia Pacific
region for messages in support of their general strike and for protests
against the attempt to overthrow the elected government in Fiji.

Please send messages of support to:

Felix Anthony
Fiji Trade Union Congress
GPO Box 1418, Suva, Fiji
Tel: (67) 9 31 5377
Fax: (67) 9 30 0306
Alternative email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Alternative email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fiji Trade Union Congress
Australian Trade Union Congress (www.actu.asn.au)
Labour Council of New South Wales (www.labor.net.au)

Australia Asia Worker Links
PO Box 264 Fitzroy Victoria 3065 Australia
Tel: 03 9419 5045   Fax: 03 9416 2746


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