political cartoons from out of LEFTFIELD
visit   www.shortfuze.com.au/leftfield


Just you to let you know that the LEFTFIELD site has been updated with three
new cartoons. The new cartoons are about:
        - the World Bank
        - the Sydney 2000 Olympics
        - the ALP
This adds to previous topics ranging from racism to the gst.

Also a reminder that any of the cartoons on this site are available to be
reproduced (for non profit use). If you do wish to use them, please follow
these simple four steps...

   1.Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] to tell me which cartoon you want and
     where you will publish it

   2.Tell me if you need a better quality copy and I will do my best to
     get you one (no promises though)

   3.Whenever you use a cartoon please include a caption of "First
     published in Green Left Weekly"

   4.Finally, consider making a donation to Green Left Weekly (a non
     profit newspaper) by mailing PO Box 394, Broadway, NSW 2007.
     Cheques payable to Green Left Weekly. Tell them I sent you!

I also wanted to thank everyone for their support of the site which has
recieved 6,000 hits since it was launched earlier this year.

Finally that url again...

all the best,


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