Community Aid Abroad are holding their Aware Dinner on  Friday
June 16th at 7.00pm, featuring as speaker Damian  O'Keefe from
our Pacific Program section talking on Bougainville, which has just
come out of a civil war and 10-year blockade.

During that time,   the people of Bougainville relied on their  own
resources and skills   to survive. With support from  Community Aid
Abroad they   established innovative  education, health, agricultural
and   appropriate technology  programs. Now the crisis is over, will
the   people of  Bougainville be able to retain their skills and a form
of    development that is self-determined, sustainable and
focussed on   a strong indigenous culture?

The dinner will be held at the Angliss Restaurant, 550 Little Collins
St, City, and tickets are  $25. For further information about the
event, please contact  Andrew   Milnes at Community Aid Abroad
on 9289 9444,  or at   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please RSVP by June 5th



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