The Adelaide S11 Alliance had its first meeting on the 30 May 200 @ the 
Crown & Sceptre.  Nine activists attended from a range of 
groups/organisations and discussion included:
Precedence: bulk

How to promote/build the group;
An action on the day;
An action when the buses leave for Melbourne;
How to gain access to resources (photocopying, printing  etc);
Working with other community groups;

Various members undertook to contact some community groups.

A representative from the UTLC International Committee attended the first 
part of the meeting and reported the metalworkers union is providing buses 
for its members and may consider extending this to other groups.  We should 
put a proposal to the committee at its next meeting.

It was decided to meet fortnightly for the time being on the second and 
forth Thursday of the month.  As the C&S would be a bit noisy on Thursday 
nights, it was decided Fleet St Cafe (Cnr Pulteney and Pirie Sts) would be OK.


Thursday 8 June 2000,
7.00 PM Fleet St Cafe (corner Pulteney/Pirie Sts)



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