[I am forwarding this on to the list at the 
request of FCRC]

21 JUNE 2000


Financial counsellors and consumer support 
workers will take to the streets next week to 
encourage bank customers to have their say about 
electronic banking.

FCRC members will target Flinders Street Station 
on the morning of Tuesday the 27th June (8am - 
9am) to distribute their survey on electronic 
banking.  The survey has been developed in 
response to a Senate inquiry into electronic 

'Financial counsellors and consumer support 
workers are seeing more and more clients who are 
suffering at the hands of the banks, while banks 
continue to rake in record profits. Bank 
closures, bank mergers, increased costs for over 
the counter services and a push by banks to make 
people move to electronic banking, has 
contributed to many consumer's feeling angry and 
powerless' commented Sharon Barker, FCRC's 
Policy Coordinator.

The survey asks questions about fees on ATM's, 
telephone banking and internet banking and 
whether banks provide useful advice about fees 
increases.  Specifically, the survey asks 
respondents to comment on whether bank fee 
increases are justified at present, whether 
ATM's should be multilingual and whether banks 
should tell customers about the costs of each 
electronic transaction prior to them proceeding.

The survey is available at 
or by telephoning 9614 5433 and runs until the 
30th June.

For more information contact: Sharon Barker 
(Policy Coordinator) 9614 5433 or 0409 432 932

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