Socialist Party newsletter
Wednesday 21st June 2000
Produced every second Wednesday
PO Box 1015, Collingwood 3066   Ph: (03) 9417 0805   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web address:

John Pilger movie next week
The SP Melbourne branch is showing the new John Pilger documentary "Paying
the Price, killing the children of Iraq" next Tuesday June 27th at 7pm at
New International Bookshop, Trades Hall, cnr Lygon and Victoria Sts,
Carlton. The documentary shook the UK and Ireland when it was aired on
Britain's ITV channel on March 6th. The 90-minute film tells the story of
the Iraqi people suffering from 10 years of US-sponsored UN sanctions,
supported by Australia.
He asks: "Why has the suffering of the Iraqi people been allowed to go on?
Is there a hidden agenda? The US wants to control oil from the Gulf to the
former Soviet Republics. Starvation and bombing Iraq is a blueprint for
this strategy." Phone office number above for more details or for help with

Calling all school students, teachers and friends of school students
The Socialist Party is calling high school strike on Monday September 11th
to link up with the workers' and community demonstration outside the World
Economic Forum meeting at Melbourne's Crown Casino. The meeting sees the
world's capitalists, right wing politicians, arms manufacturers etc get
together to discuss new and better ways to promote neo-liberalism and the
exploitation of workers and the environment. Be there to protest!
We have leaflets to distribute to schools in Victoria. Several schools have
already been leafleted with some success. We need to do lots more. Phone
0408588586 or above number to get leaflets for your school.
The school students will rally at 9am at Flinders St Station to march to
the Crown Casino.

Come to the Sydney Olympics Protest!
The coach to the Olympic Protest leaves Melbourne's Trades Hall on Thursday
September 14th at 6pm to get into Sydney the next morning for the Opening
Ceremony. There we will join members of the Aboriginal community to march
to the Games themselves to peacefully defy the anti-civil rights
legislation banning protest and to protest at the elitism of the Games.
The coach arrives back in Melbourne on Saturday afternoon (16th). It's $20
for a deposit on a seat. The coach will have music, entertainment and lots
of politics. Don't miss the chance of a lifetime. Book now by contacting us
at the above phone number or email or postal address.

Two of our young comrades are off in July to Asia and Europe as part of a
tour that includes attendence at the CWI World School in Belgium. We need
to raise $2000 now to get them over the line. Please rush donations to us.
Also, attend our fundraiser at the Comrades Bar June 30th, 500 Swanston St,
Carlton from 6pm. There will be music, raffles, auctions etc.

Issue 4 of Voice out now, deadlines for Issue 5 Sunday June 25th.


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