The following articles were published in "The Guardian", newspaper
of the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday,
July, 12th 2000. Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills.
Sydney. 2010 Australia. Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
CPA Central Committee: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"The Guardian": <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subscription rates on request.

NO to Star Wars

Governments, political parties, peace and other organisations,
and many individuals have voiced their protests against the Pentagon
and the US military-industrial complex as an interceptor missile was
test fired last week. It was part of the US preparations for an updated
Star Wars missile program, its national missile defence (NMD) system
or missile shield.

The firing was the second failure out of three test firings so far,
and even the one success has been charged with fraud by some of the
participating scientists.

However, these failures are not likely to deter the war-hawks in
the Pentagon and the arms manufacturers who anticipate making
trillions of dollars profit from the hugely expensive technology
involved in the Star Wars project.

Should the program be given the go-ahead by President Clinton or
his successor, it will spark a new international arms race and
far from making the world a safe place, it will revive an acute
danger of a big war fought with the most destructive weapons ever
devised, inevitably leading to the massive destruction of all

The governments of Russia and China have strongly denounced the
test firings by the US authorities and have warned of the

In a statement to "The Guardian", CPA President, Dr Hannah
Middleton said: "We condemn the efforts by the US military-
industrial complex to introduce another version of Star Wars. It
is an offensive, not a defensive system because it is intended to
allow the US to attack other countries with impunity.

"The people of the USA will pay the $60 billion price tag for NMD
in less services, less jobs, less rights. The people of the world
will pay the price in billions spent on a new nuclear arms race,
in the destruction of the international arms control regime, and
in a wave of global insecurity and instability", Dr Middleton

"Australia is complicit in this threat to the future of our
planet and its peoples because the Howard Government is allowing
the US intelligence facility at Pine Gap to support the NMD.

"This new version of Star Wars is a weapon of Washington's new
world order", Dr Middleton said. "It threatens every country that
does not capitulate to the USA and it will undermine global and
regional peace, security and stability.

"Like so many others around the world, we believe it must be
stopped. Our members must and will play their part in the
international campaign which demands: `No new Stars Wars'", Dr
Middleton said.

Brereton statement

The Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs, Laurie Brereton, has
called on the Howard Government to use next weekend's talks with
US Defence Secretary William Cohen to urge a suspension of moves
toward the deployment of its proposed national missile defence

"While the failure of the latest $US100 million ballistic missile
intercept test underlines the widespread doubts about the
technical viability of NMD, it would be quite mistaken to think
this is the end of the issue", Mr Brereton said.

"On the contrary, the $US60 billion NMD program is likely to be a
key strategic policy issue in the US Presidential election
campaign and the proposed deployment will be the subject of
continuing international controversy. A decision to push ahead
with NMD clearly has the potential to derail progress towards
disarmament and risks fuelling nuclear proliferation.

"Such a deployment is prohibited by the Anti-Ballistic Missile
(ABM) Treaty which has long served as a keystone of <%-3>nuclear
arms control. Russia has repeatedly said that it opposes amending
the ABM Treaty to allow NMD and that it will walk away from key
arms control agreements if deployment proceeds in violation of
the Treaty. China has indicated it will respond to NMD deployment
by increasing its strategic nuclear missile force.

"The Howard Government has conspicuously declined to make any
substantive criticism of NMD. Last year's AUSMIN Joint Communique
records `Australia expressed its understanding of US plans to
decide on deployment of a limited National Missile Defence to
defend against potential threats from rogue states'."

The Australian Senate has adopted a resolution urging the US
Government not to proceed with a national missile defence system.

A wide collective of peace, political and environmental
organisations have conveyed their opposition.

Representatives of the Greens, Democrats, Carmen Lawrence (ALP),
People for Nuclear Disarmament, Anti-Bases Coalition, Australian
Peace Committee (APC), Pax Christi, Friends of the Earth and the
Environment Centre of WA and the Northern Territory signed a

Their message says that "The current National Missile Defence
proposal and indeed, any proposal for ballistic missile defence,
would be strategically destabilising, costly, and would fail to
deliver the security it promises to the American people, while
putting the rest of the world, as well as the US, at an increased
risk of nuclear exchange."

Listing other protests, a statement by the Australian Peace
Committee (SA Branch) says that 50 US Nobel prizewinners have
written to President Clinton asking him not to proceed with the
NMD scheme. The United Nations Secretary-General, the European
Union and the governments of Germany, France and Sweden have all
spoken out strongly against the proposal.


The APC said in a statement: "The US test has been a gargantuan
act of irresponsibility. It is demonstrating that [the US] will
not be deterred by the persistent warnings made by almost every
nation on earth, including some of its own closest allies, that
this system is not only a violation of the [1972] ABM treaty but
that it will set back nuclear arms control gains by decades and
lead to an increased risk of nuclear war. Moves like this
potentially endanger the whole planet."

"The Australian Government must express its concern in the very
strongest terms to US Defence Secretary, William Cohen, when
he arrives shortly for talks in Sydney."


2. World against Star Wars

At about the time of publication of this issue of "The Guardian",
the US will have tested its latest "Star Wars" space technology.
In the face of strong opposition from the governments of China
and Russia, but with the enthusiastic applause of Tony Blair, the
US seems determined to go ahead regardless.

by Peter Mac

Writing in the "People's Weekly World", Tim Wheeler says that the
US Space Command plans to "control space in order to protect US
interests and investments".

Karl Grossman, media spokesperson for the Global Network Against
Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space and an investigative
journalist says, "They call this a 'ballistic missile defence'
but that is just the entering wedge. Their real aim is to
dominate earth from space."

Cost billions

The ground-based Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD), said Karl
Grossman, is a full-fledged system of nuclear powered and nuclear
armed space weapons that will cost hundreds of billions of
dollars with a down-payment of $60 billion to be followed by
billions more.

"This will open up an arms race in space and eventually a war in
space. Everybody is going to be the loser except Lockheed Martin.
This is nothing short of astro-imperialism."

Michio Kaku, a theoretical physicist at City University of New
York told a protesting crowd in New York: "The time has come for
us all to say `No' to the Star Wars system. No to BMD! Shut it

Faked test results

Kaku cited a front page article in the March 7 <MI>New York
Times" in which Dr Nira Schwartz, a former senior Star Wars
engineer for TRW Corporation, exposed TRW's faking of test
results to make it appear that anti-ballistic missiles
successfully shot down a target ballistic missile. Other former
employees corroborated her charges. Kaku told the New York
demonstration, "We now know the test results were a fraud. This
is $120 billion down a rathole."

Russian response

At a meeting in Moscow with Russia's President Putin, Clinton
attempted to talk the Russian government into modifying the ABM
treaty ratified in 1972 which limited use of space for such
purposes. Mr Putin strongly denounced the US plan saying that the
creation of the national missile shield is a "big strategic error
that will only increase strategic threats to the US and Russia,
as well as other states."

The Russian government has made it clear that if Washington
withdraws from the ABM treaty, Russia will cancel its obligations
not only under the START treaties, but also under the treaty on
elimination of medium and shorter-range missiles.

A Russian Foreign Ministry statement severely criticised US
industrial giants for seeking profits from new military orders,
including those relating to the ABM defence system or the Star
Wars program.

While the Russian Duma recently ratified the long-stalled START
II arms control agreement they added a clause that the treaty
will be null and void if the US deploys BMD.

China rejects

A similarly strong rejection has been voiced by the government of
China. Speaking at the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer
Space, Huang Huikang, head of the Chinese delegation said:
"Recently, a certain country has accelerated development and
testing of an outer space weapon system, or the so-called
Tactical Missile Defence (TMD), which risks intensification of an
arms race in out space. Such as action is contradictory to the
current trends and goes against established international
principles. Outer space belongs to all mankind. Therefore,
exploration and use of it should proceed on a peaceful basis and
serve the economic, scientific and cultural development of all
countries. The Chinese representative said that "In order to
prohibit testing and using weapons in outer space, an
international legal instrument should be negotiated and concluded


The US attempts to justify its Star Wars project by referring to
the danger allegedly coming from "rogue states" such as North
Korea, Iraq and Iran.

Such suggestions are laughable. These states do not possess
nuclear weapons and their industrial and technical development
rules out any possibility that they could threaten the "security"
of the United States either now or in the future.

Putin rejected the US allegations about the "rogue states" saying
that such a threat "is not going to emerge in the visible

Michio Kaku the US scientist, also scorned the Pentagon's
argument asking: "Who is really the rogue nation? What nation has
wrecked the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty? What nation refuses to
ratify the Treaty banning land mines? The only rogue nation is
the United States of America!"

Kaku denounced Star Wars as a grave violation of the 1972 anti-
ballistic missile (ABM) treaty with the Soviet Union. "This is a
plan to rule the world from outer space. These are not my words.
The Pentagon makes no bones about it."

Pre-emptive war

During the Eisenhower administration the Pentagon appointed a
task force to study the feasibility of launching a pre-emptive
nuclear war on the USSR under the code name "Operation Off-

The plan called for 735 US strategic bombers to hit the Soviet
Union, pulverising the country with nuclear bombs.

"This was more than just an option. [The then] Secretary of
Defence James Forrestal actually recommended that the attack be
carried out," said Kaku.

Eisenhower had one question. "How many Soviet Bison and Bear
bombers would survive the attack?" The Pentagon's reply: "We do
not know. Enough of them might survive to destroy New York City
or the Northeast of the US." Eisenhower decided the "window of
opportunity" had closed.

However, the Pentagon has never given up its Star Wars dreaming
and has continued to develop an anti-missile defence system that
would reduce US losses low enough to make a nuclear war

US threats

Although Clinton was supposed to have made a decision for or
against the missile program in June, he may be leaving a decision
to the next US President. Vice President Al Gore is "cautious"
and moving slowly on Star Wars but Texas Governor George W Bush
the Republican Presidential candidate "would proceed with not one
but two missile defence systems at the earliest possible date".

In a speech last September laying out his foreign and military
policy Bush said that if he is elected president, he would
present the Russians with an ultimatum on changes in the ABM
Treaty to permit the US to deploy Star Wars. "If Russia refuses
the changes we propose, we will give prompt notice under
provisions of the Treaty that we can no longer be a party to it,"
Bush said.


Meanwhile, a senior commander of the Russian armed forces, Gen
Nikolai Zlenko, warned the Pentagon that Moscow is "well-informed
about and alarmed at the USA's Alaska-based R&D and preparatory
work on creating a new national ABM network." He said it was an
"embryo of a powerful monitoring network which will control the
whole world in a matter of 30 to 40 years with satellites and
terrestrial radars able to spot any missile wherever it is
launched whereas the other side will not enjoy such an advantage
bound as it will be by the 1972 Treaty.

"Moscow can and must do all to thwart US attempts to revise the
treaty. Russia will never take part in and tolerate the gradual
modernisation efforts of Star Wars weaponry," said Gen Zlenko.


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