Upcoming Events and New Book Arrivals at The New International
Bookshop, Victorian Trades Hall.
For more information, ring the bookshop coordinator Jeff Sparrow on 03
9662 3744 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Upcoming Events

6:30pm Wednesday July 19th
Death in Balibo; Lies in Canberra

Death in Balibo; Lies in Canberra follows the trail of cover-ups and
denials to discover what Canberra has been denying about the killing of
five newsmen when Indonesian special forces stormed the village of
Balibo. It features Des Ball, an expert on military intelligence, Hamish
McDonald, foreign editor of
the Sydney Morning Herald, and Shirley Shackleton, the wife of one of
the newsmen killed in Balibo.

6:30pm Friday 21 July
Overland 159: Worker's Paradise

This issue of Overland features a supplement devoted to writings of and
about injured workers. It is to be launched by Rachel Berger in the
Trades Hall Bar with music by Big Island and readings by IIO, Kevin
Abrahams, Yossi Berger and others.

9:30am to 6pm Thursday 27 July
Unchain My Mind : New Social Democratic Voices for Labor in

On the eve of the national conference of the Australian Labor Party in
Hobart many of Labor's foremost thinkers and activists are gathering in
Melbourne to present new ideas for Labor in power. Jointly organised by
Pluto Press and the Australian Fabian Society. Cost $25 or $15
concession. Book now by E-mail
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; or phone Pluto Press on 02 95193299.

2pm Sunday July 30th
Cripples, Coons, Fags and Fems

An interactive workshop based on Ian Parson's controversial new book,
'Cripples, Coons, Fags and Fems' : How four human rights movements have
fought prejudice. Tickets can be purchased prior to the event at the New
International Bookshop for $19.95.


Fidel Castro, Capitalism in Crisis : Globalization and world politics
today, Ocean Press, R.R.P (including GST) $32.95

This book is a collection of speeches by Fidel Castro  and edited by
David Deutschmann which seek to challenge the juggernaut of
globalisation. Adding his voice to a growing chorus against
neoliberalism and globalisation Castro asks whether humankind can
organise itself in a more rational and humane manner.

Overland 159, Workers' Paradise : The Injured Workers Supplement,
R.R.P (including GST) $12

This issue of Overland features a supplement devoted to the writings by
and about injured workers. Other topics featured in the issue include
Multiculturalism and other swear words, the poetry of  IIO, and a Focus
on East Timor.

David.C.Korten, The Post-Corporate World : Life After Capitalism,
Pluto Press, R.R.P (including GST) $32.95

The Post-Corporate World is a groundbreaking critique of the
corporate system and a call for a more human future. Korten asserts
there is an alternative to the new global capitalism - a system of
democratically governed market economies capable of creating just,
sustainable and compassionate societies.

Bob Walker & Betty Con Walker, Privatisation, Sell off or Sell out : The
Australian Experience, ABC Books, P.O.A

This book explains that privatisation is leading to an erosion of
public accountability and a radical change in the role of government in
Australia. It attempts to offer a detailed critical analysis of how
privatisation has proceeded.

John Bellamy Foster, Marx's Ecology : Materialism and Nature, Monthly
Review Press, R.R.P (including GST) $45.90

Progress requires the conquest of nature. Or does it? This new
account overturns conventional interpretations of Marx and in the
process outlines a more rational approach to the current environmental



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