The global rebellion against corporate greed and capitalist values is
gaining strength. First there was the magnificent 60,000-strong united
rally in Seattle, then tens of thousands in Washington, then 70,000
gathering in the French town of Millau against McDonald's ... and on
September 11, we shall be taking to the streets of Melbourne against the
World Economic Forum.

While growing numbers know what they are against, debate continues on what
we should be for. That's why Marxism 2000, the weekend of discussion of
debate hosted by Socialist Worker, will be so valuable. The event will be a
forum to discuss and explain the socialist alternative, and to prepare for

Speakers include:

* Jack Mundey, secretary, NSW Builders Labourers Federation, in the green
bans era.

* James Goodman, UTS academic active against globalisation.

* Fairwear and S11 activists.

You can hear these speakers at the opening rally, "Fanning the Flames of
Global Rebellion", at 7.30pm on Friday, August 18, UTS University Hall,
Harris St, Sydney (near Central Station).

On Saturday and Sunday, August 19 and 20, Marxism will take place at UTS
Markets Campus (opposite Paddy's Markets, near Central Station). Guest
speakers will include:

* Cyndi Tebbel, author of The Body Snatchers: How the Media Shapes Women.

* Hall Greenland (an original freedom rider) and Chicka Dickson (Aboriginal
wharfie) on the Australian freedom rides of the 1960s.

* Author Humphrey McQueen on the corporate history of Coca Cola.

* Academic George Aditjondro on "East Timor and Cockroach Capitalism".

There are more than 30 talks, with choices in every timeslot.

Topics include Frankenfoods--science and the economics of GM food; There's
a new deputy in town--the Howard Doctrine and Australian militarism; Are
the Liberals finished?; The fire last time--how 1968 changed the world;
Sexing the brain--nature, nurture and gender roles; Capitalism and the
Third World--is liberation still possible?; They're not just playing
games--imperialism and the modern Olympics; Beazley's Labor pains--will
Labor ever turn left?; Can Marxism explain oppression?

The cost for the weekend is $38 waged, $28 unwaged, $15 high school
students (day and session tickets also available).

Professional childcare is free (you must book by August 10). We can also
provide free, basic accommodation.

To find out more, or to register (credit cards welcome), ring 0418 316 310
or (02) 9261 4862, or email [EMAIL PROTECTED] or write to Marxism, PO
Box A338, Sydney South 1235. Cheques payable to ISO.

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