Dear Leftlink women,

As we enter the last two months of the seven-month campaign for the World
March of Women in the Year 2000, I'm writing to invite Leftlink women to
participate, if you're not already doing so, in the World March of Women
Australian information exchange email list. If you'd like to be added to
the WMW2000 oz-information email list, please email me at:

As you know, the WMW2000 campaign calls on the UN and its member States to
take concrete measures to:

* eliminate poverty worldwide and ensure a fair distribution of the
planet's wealth between rich and poor and between women and men;

* eliminate violence against women and ensure equality between women and men.

As I'll be sending this message out widely, I apologise in advance for any
cross posting.

The committee wishes to acknowledge the Australian Virtual Centre for Women
and the Law for making the WMW2000 email lists available.

Can you please distribute this message to women in your networks?
Applicants may be asked to send a short statement describing their interest
in the WMW2000 campaign.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

all the best,

Cathy Picone
on behalf of the national coordinating committee of the WMW2000 - Australia


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