
Gather on August 26th, 2pm, at the Margibyrnong Detention Centre...

Because we can let those who are interned know that they have our support;

Because those who are held behind barbed wire are incarcerated without 
charge, without trial, indefinitely, without the ability to access the 
courts to review the merit or lenght of their imprisonment;

Because racism and xenophobia  have underwritten successive governments' 
neo-liberal agendas in Australia, through mandatory sentencing in WA and 
NT, and the mandatory and non-reviewable internment of those who arrive 
seeking asylum without papers -- none of these laws were in place prior to 

Because governments have tried hard to scapegoat immigrants and indigeneous 
peoples for the misery created by neo-liberal policies  -- they wager that 
we will either enjoy the spectacle of their suffering or avert our eyes 
from their treatment because 'we' do not identify with 'them';

Because the border control industries such as ACM (Wackenhut Corp) -- which 
runs the Maribyrnong Detention Centre -- have been the global beneficiaries 
of the rush to incarcerate, both here and in the US;

Because our struggles are as global as capital;

Because as the movements of money and goods were deregulated over the last 
decade, the movements of people were restricted, confined to the global 
poorhouses that are the 'third world', denied the right to flee the 
impoverishment, environmental devastation and repression wrought by 
IMF/World Bank-sponsored 'development';

Because the constant threat of capital flight, the relocation of industries 
offshore, and the demand that we accept lower wages and an erosion of 
working conditions, requires a system of border controls that makes it 
possible for capital to flee to the global poorhouses where wages are kept 
low by overt repression and impoverishment;

Because the disparities between the 'third world' and the 'first' are 
enforced at the border;

Because no one is illegal;

Because there comes a time when symbolic statements deploring racism and 
xenophobia might make us feel better but accomplish nothing;

Courage against the internment camps!

website: www.antimedia.net/xborder/


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