Freedom Socialist Party meeting
Crisis and leadership lessons for today from the explosive '60s
Wednesday 6 September, 7 pm

Come to the kick-off of the Australian campaign to promote the new Red 
Letter Press book, Crisis and Leadership. Written in 1965 by veteran 
socialists, Clara Fraser and Richard Fraser, the work is an amazingly fresh 
discussion of problems that still bedevil freedom fighters today: racism, 
sexism, and lack of democracy, in society broadly and in the movements; how 
each liberation struggle fits in with the others; and what can be done to 
make a lasting difference.

Solidarity Salon, 1 Appleby Cres, West Brunswick 3055.
Dinner is served at 6.30 pm for a $6 donation.

For more information phone: 03-9386-5065

To order Crisis and Leadership send a cheque payable to FSP for $22.45
($19.95 + $2.50 postage) to PO Box 266 West Brunswick Vic 3055.

Check us out



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