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Earth Matters
Program 108b

Juliet Fox
3CR Community Radio
03 9419 8377
ComRadSat Program 8/9/2000
INTRO : "Hello and welcome to =85"
OUTRO : "... see you then."
DURATION : 26'30" (frogs til 27'30")

Cyclists for Sustainability
A group of environmentalists set off from Fremantle on June the 21st on a
Cycle for Sustainability across the country. They're currently in Melbourne
and today we hear from Saskia, Paul and Kevin about the journey on bike
across the desert and the messages of conservation that the group are
trying to disseminate.
IN: "One of the things =85"
OUT: " =85 dot com"
DUR: 6'30"

The Biotic Baking Brigade's Agent Frosty
The Biotic Baking Brigade targets the corporate elite with pies - that is,
throwing cream pies in their faces. Today on Earth Matters we hear from
Agent Frosty, in Melbourne for the World Economic Forum S11 meetings. We
hear about the Brigade's philosophy and some insight into Frosty's
experience as a Biotic Baking Brigade agent.
IN: "Yeah, hi how are you =85"
OUT: "=85 (laughing)".
DUR: 4'10"

S11 Green Blockade
Friends of the Earth in collaboration with other enviornment groups is
establishing a green blockade at the World Economic Forum/S11 protests over
September 11th to the 13th. Under the banner of "Stand up for global
justice" the group plan to coordinate actions over the three days.=20
IN: "Green Block just =85"
OUT: " =85 WEF."
DUR: 5'30"


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