Unions, the Labor Party and the WEF
A look at some aspects of union involvement inside and outside the WEF,
comments by Labor Premiers Brack & Carr, and a list of some relevant
media sources.
Article by Takver http://www.takver.com/soapbox/index.htm

A union Stop Work rally and march, advocating 'fair trade' not 'free
trade' was organised for 10.30am Tuesday outside Melbourne Trades Hall.
Originally, the march destination was Enterprise Park, north of the
Yarra, but this was changed to the main assembly area outside Crown on
Queensbridge Street. Some 6,000 - 10,000 people gathered, and then
marched down to the main assembly point. Giant puppets were part of the
parade. Outside Nike, the march stopped to explain how Nike exploits
workers in countries like Indonesia. Union marshalls ensured the protest
was symbolic by forming a line in front of the store.

At the rally near Crown Casino speeches were made by various Union
officials and Greens Senator Bob Brown. Bob Brown was the only member of
Federal parliament to support the S11 blockade and oppose extensive laws
allowing use of the military where there is 'the threat of domestic
violence'. The Labour Party chose to support the legislation with minor
amendments, even though such legislation may be used in the future
against the Union Movement. Labor party politicians were noticable by
their absence at the rally. At the end of the rally many of those who
marched took up an offer to march around the casino complex adding their
weight to the human blockading of the many entrances.

Although the turnout for the rally was reasonable, I thought there was
little outreach amoung some unions to inform their members and to get
them to attend the rally. Please remember this was a Trades Hall Council
sanctioned Stop Work Rally! Personally, I received no bulletins from my
union, the CEPU (Communications Division), advertising the rally.
Similarly, the previous week a CPSU organiser attended my workplace for
an open meeting, however no mention was made of the Stop Work Rally.

In the morning of s12 about 100 unionists came down from Trades Hall and
opened up a passage through the blockade for workers to enter the
Complex! This indicated that there has been a fair amount of friction
between s11 and the official union bureacracy, although there has been
of involvement by individual unionists, and some of the more social
justice oriented unions in the blockade. Whether people who worked in
the Crown Casino complex should be allowed in and out was a major
disagreement between union officials and blockaders.

It was alleged by Leigh Hubbard, Secretary of the Trades Halll, that
World Economic Forum organisers threatened to cancel their meeting after
the success of protesters blockading the venue on Monday. This led to
increased police confrontation on Tuesday, and the at times violent
crackdown by riot police.

To the credit of the union movement, Leigh Hubbard strongly condemned
the violent actions of the police:
  "there ought to be a broad inquiry beyond just what happened" during
the police baton charge on Tuesday night. "I believe the state should
provide trauma counselling for those young people hurt. Once these
things start, who knows where they might lead? The fact that the police
weren't wearing ID badges suggests premeditated provocation. I think we
as Victorians should be deeply ashamed of what happened, we don't want
it to be forgotten."

The State Ombudsman, Dr Barry Perry, has received numerous complaints
about the behaviour of the police and has agreed to open an
investigation. The Law Institute of Victoria has also welcomed the
inquiry into claims of police brutality. Marcus Clayton, a lawyer
associated with the s11 legal team, said that officers clearly used
excessive force during two baton attacks on Tuesday. While Deputy Police
Commissioner Neil O'Laughlin claimed that police were provoked, Clayton
said that: "Provocation isn't a defence to an assault, if someone
provokes you you're not entitled to hit them.....the police are in no
legally different position."

While it was to be expected that Prime Minister John Howard would praise
the heavy police action, both Steve Bracks, Labor Premier of Victoria,
and Bob Carr, Labor Premier of NSW, have made comments praising the
police response as reasonable "despite great provocation". While there
were a few incidents of provocation of police, most blockaders
substantially dealt with and minimised provocation and abuse of the
police. The provocation was certainly not "great". Blockaders were
overwhelmingly peaceful and disciplined in their actions.

The media showed incidents that took only minutes and ignored the
essential and overwhelming peacefulness and festive nature of the
blockade. The violence inflicted on demonstrators in the horse and baton
charges is clearly documented in television coverage and numerous
witness statements. The removal of identity tags by nearly all police
present was  premeditative, provocative, and a denial of the
accountability of police.

So when Steve Bracks said the demonstrators "deserved everything they
got" he is condoning the use of indiscriminate excessive force against
peaceful nonviolent people. Bracks is sanctioning the abuse of power by
the police force, in preempting the judicial system. Instead of due
legal process the police summarily judged, convicted and punished anyone
in their path, no matter whether they were adults or children,
blockaders or journalists.

Our politicians should support the judicial system for maintaining Law
and Order; Bracks has already condemned everybody outside Crown Casino
without due process. Such comments by him do not deserve our respect,
particularly when they come from the Premier, and as a Labor politician
who claims the respect and support of unionists and ordinary people.

For anyone wanting to send a message to the current government over the
violent and inappropriate actions of the police during the WEF protests,
Steve Bracks' email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]  You
can also get your union Branch or other organisation to pass a censure
motion condemning the Premier's comments, and the actions of the police.
Write to newspapers and ring talk back radio to make your point.

Some Relevant Links:
Global Failures [Workers Online]
Sharan Burrows, President of the ACTU, addressed Forum members and said
that the union movement acknowledges the benefits of globalisation but
it's time to address the failures.

Takver's Soapbox http://www.takver.com/soapbox/s11/s12.htm
Report on s12 Union Rally and March including photos

Leigh Hubbard quote:
Bracks honors police for WEF 'restraint'  By EWIN HANNAN [The Age]

Steve Bracks quote:
A touch of the Jeffs    By EWIN HANNAN [The Age]

What, no Satanists down at Crown? by David Wroe (Staff Writer)[The Age]
On the political use of language and hyperbole by the Premier & others.

Police violence stemmed from threat to cancel forum: unions
By Michael Bachelard and Misha Schubert 15sep00  [The Australian]

Behind the battle of the barricades 16 Sep00 [The Age]

Disobedient citizens are citizens nonetheless 16Sep00 [The Age]   BY

Provocation no defence fpr police: Lawyer [ABC]

Law Institute welcomes Probe into allegations of police brutality [ABC]

  Takver's Soapbox:
  Radical Tradition, an Australasian History Page
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