Hi all,

did any one happen to see 6 people dressed up in funny clothes with
colourful hair and painted faces calling themselves the Clowns Against
Capitalism at S11? I was one of them and we have been wondering where all
the photos are that everyone took of us. There was a brilliant one standing
with linked arms in front of a row of mounted police. If anyone out there
has any photos that they are willing to pass on to us (we'll cover costs of
reprints etc) we would sure appreciate it. This is just a vain attempt at
self-glorification but we reckon we looked damn good and would like a
memento of the occasion. We were also involved in holding up Napthine's car
and got some derogatory comments from a journo at the HUN for our efforts.
Apart from that we managed to avoid most of the police attacks although got
closer than we expected to one barrage involving horses - but we drove the
bastards back! The rest of the day was spent bringing smiles to people's
faces and generally having a good time pointing out that the real clowns
were those inside the casino.

Any help appreciated. Reply to my personal email if you can help us out.

Yours in solidarity,
Clown 3.


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