We have communicated previously through either your subscription to
Sustainability Review or our general discussion concerning issues of
sustainable development.  If this isn't the case, a colleague might also
have told me of your interest in this subject.

I'd like to alert you to major revisions in the web site of Five E's
Unlimited at http://www.eeeee.net.  By bookmarking this site you will
find a "virtual library" at your finger tips on the many elements of
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT.  The site offers hundreds of searchable
resources to help communities, businesses, educators, researchers, policy
makers, environmental managers, legislators, and households make better
decisions.  As our testimonials demonstrate, this site also serves
as an excellent electronic reference in high school and college
classrooms where students are encouraged to learn how science, society,
and economics, as well as ethics and morality, influence our
multi-dimensional lives.

Our hundred's of information pages include discussion of, population,
climate, energy, natural resource use, coastal planning and management,
human-nature linkages, biodiversity, watershed protection, technology,
sustainable agriculture, safe water supplies, waste management, community
development, transportation, green building, economic revitalization,
consumerism, sustainable cities, international security, politics, smart
rural development, education, family relations, human values, etc.  These
are the things we all find ourselves talking about today.  Actually these
are the exact things that sustainable development tries to harmoniously

Individual actions of people, from every walk of life and from every
means, are the things that will either advance global sustainable
development or stop it in its tracks.  Bringing awareness and
understanding to people who can make the right choices in their lives,
while motivating governments in ways that will positively affect the
future, is the key.  Part of the Five E's web site's purpose is to offer
the public service of circulating and promoting the most current ideas,
tools, and success stories involving people, places, and organizations
attempting to achieve sustainability.

Our site on sustainability is not the biggest or most expensive, but many
find it extremely helpful.  Besides offering hundreds of information
pages, it tells a little about who we are, our values, what we aspire to,
and how we might help others.  So if you would like a good place to start
framing a better understanding for sustainability, then try
www.eeeee.net  --  and if you like what you see and you'd like
some help with your particular sustainability challenge, CONTACT US.

Consider the following, and if it "grabs you," check out our site.  "We
trust water to be pure, air to be safe, food to make us healthy, and our
lives to be secure.  We make sure our child is nurtured, educated, and
given all the chances for a good life.  Tragedy occurs!  A child dies of
leukemia from drinking contaminated water or is killed in a school
shooting.  Can these circumstances be avoided?"  Absolutely yes!  But
instead of getting involved, it is easier and less threatening for people
to evade the difficulty of understanding connections between having a
secure economy, a healthy environment, and societal well-being, even
though many of these seemingly isolated problems are very much
intertwined.  The information at  http://www.eeeee.net  will move you
beyond these societal circumstances.

Please share this information with others.

Best Regards,

Dr. R. Warren Flint
Five E's Unlimited
PO Box 311
Pungoteague, VA  23422

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT is an intervention that allows us to
simultaneously consider the multiple issues related to health of the
environment, survival of all life, and the socio-economic well being of
humans.  The Five E's site presents an easy to understand description of
sustainability  --  the ability of humans to coexist in a manner that
maintains wildlife, wildlands, and decent environments simultaneously
with economic well-being and equality, today and for future generations.
Ideas and concepts are presented in a way that decodes, de-mystifies, and
puts into understandable terms the many elements of sustainable


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