New Books at the New International Bookshop:
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Rogue State, William Blum
Common Courage Press - $34.00
An in-depth critique of American interventionism across the globe. Laden
with evidence of US wrong-doings in the name of
freedom and human-rights, and the motivations that compel them.

Saving Private Power - Michael Zezima
Soft Skull Press - $39.95
Uncovers the truth about 'the good war' and dispells eight myths about
World War II that have been used to justify all wars
since. A look at the vested interests which led its direction.

Winning Ugly: NATO's war to save Kosovo - Ivo H. Daalder and Michael E.
Brookings Institution Press - $49.95
An in-depth study of the Kosovo crisis, and based on interviews with
many of the key participants, it looks at US
intervention and whether the crisis could have been avoided if handled
more efficiently.

Fighting Back: The politics of the unemployed in  Victoria in the Great
Depression - Charlie Fox
Melbourne University Press - $32.95
Looks at the unemployment movement of the 1930's, and the active role
taken by unemployed people in Victoria during the
depression. Shows just how complex the politics of unemployment was, and
is still today.

Academic Success and Social Power - Richard Teese
Melbourne University Press - $32.95
A penetrating analysis of Victorian secondary schooling in the
half-century after World War II. Studies the process of
changing from an elitist system to one of mass education, and the
resulting effects on Victorian society.


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