Pt'chang - Nonviolent Community Safety Group has organised a two day Community safety and Peacekeeping Training on Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 November at an inner Melbourne venue. Pt'chang is an independant, all-volunteer nonviolent communty safety organsation that assists grassroots organisations and community groups create safety in a wide variety of areas and situations. Pt'chang organised the 45 person Legal Observer Team at the recent S11 World Economic Forum protests and has projects running including Earthcore (large outdoor rave parties) and the 'Creating Safety Together' project City of Yarra. For political events and festivals we can provide: first aid, radio communications, crisis counselling, mediation, de-briefing and trained teams of nonviolent peacekeepers upon request. The weekend workshop is enaging and participatory, covering a variety of core skills employed by Pt'chang including active listening, nonviolent intervention skills, conflict resolution and mediation, debriefing, area coverage and conflict mapping. Valuable skills for any activist but also for people wishing to become actively involved in Pt'chang. Costs are: $50 unwaged - $65 part-waged - $90 waged (prices always negotiable) contact Pt'chang on 03 9517 3120 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] for further information. Anthony Kelly Pt'chang -- Leftlink - Australia's Broad Left Mailing List mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Archived at Sponsored by Melbourne's New International Bookshop Subscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Body=subscribe%20leftlink Unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Body=unsubscribe%20leftlink LL.VK