Dear Freedom Ride Friends,

The first Drug War Freedom Ride is over and the crew gone to rest. It
has taken me a while to write the story of the Sydney adventures. Old
news now I appreciate, but if you are interested in social action, our
story may be instructive.

The story of the Big Joint in Sydney, the Drug War Prison actions at
Silverwater, NSW Parliament House and Long Bay are at:

The story of the Freedom Ride and its participation in the s11-13/World
Economic Forum protests are at:

The full index of Freedom Ride journal entries is at:

We never know the full consequences of our actions. I have faith that
the witness we Freedom Riders brought to the injustice and suffering
created by the global Drug War and the consequent growth and
globalisation of the incarceration industry will inspire many more
people to action and bring on many changes.

Many people helped the Freedom Ride and encouraged us in our mission. I
thank you all.



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