Forthcoming events at NIBS:

Wednesday 11th October 7pm
Margo Stanislawska-Birnberg launches Journeylines, an exquisite
collection of poems and photography in tribute to the people
of the desert regions of Australia. Come and see the book chosen as an
official gift for Nelson Mandela during his recent
Australian tour.

Friday 13th October
John Spooner and Barry Dickins launch Barry's new collection of cartoons
and journalism, Articles of Light.

Sunday 15th October 12-5pm
Scorched Earth or Creative Destruction: The Kennett Years
A conference jointly organised by the Australian Fabian Society and the
Labour History Society. Speakers include Stephen
Mayne, Race Mathews, Dick Gross and others.

And just arrived!
Rogue States: The Rule of Force in World Affairs, Noam Chomsky, $32.95
Chomsky updates his analysis with a study of the operation of power in
the post-war world. He focusses on the US bombing of
Iraq, Nato's intervention in Kosovo and Western attitudes to East Timor
to show how America increasingly openly ignores UN
resolutions, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international
legal precedents that it doesn't like.

For more information contact the bookshop:
New International Bookshop
Trades Hall
Cnr Victoria and Lygon Sts, Carlton Sth, Melbourne
ph 9662 3744, or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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