National community radio's weekly look at issues of industrial, social &
workplace justice.

Heard on 3CR (855AM)

Friday, October 13.......8.30am
Saturday, October 14.....10.30am
Monday, October 16.......6.00am


Fiji nation day goes 'blue':
Unions in Fiji on Tuesday joined other community and business groups in a
day of protest today against the measures of the Interim Administration in
Fiji, calling for a return to the 1997 constitution which they say formed
the backbone for democracy in that country. Inviting people to wear blue to
express their protest, the organisers say there was a high level of support
for their action. The Interim Attorney General had ruled that civil
servants would be in breach of the Public Service Code of Conduct if they
participated. Diwan Shankar is Assistant Secretary of the Fiji Trade Union
Congress & he speaks here from his office in Suva on Tuesday.

Internet surveillance in child care centres:
A proposal to install webcams into child care centres in WA and 'sell'
parents access to the website on which the 'Kindercam' will be shown has
alarmed child care workers & their union. While it seems unlikely that
centres will agree to go down this path, the proposal has serious
implications, not only for workers but also for issues of privacy and
internet accessibility to children within the centres. Sue Devereaux from
the Liquor, Hospitality & Miscellaneous Workers Union in WA explains.

Share arrangements for blue collar workers:
A Federal government report announced this week recommends changes to
Australia's taxation, company and industrial laws to encourage what it
calls a culture of 'share-owning' among workers. While a proportion of
white collar workers and management level employees already participate in
company share schemes, the government's approach to this issue requires
careful monitoring according to critics within the labour movement. To find
out more about this subject, we spoke to Sarah Turboville, lecturer in the
Dept of Management at Monash University in Melbourne who's currently
researching a PhD in industrial relations and employees share-owning

For information / with information or to purchase tapes of the program,
Meredith Butler [Producer]
phone - (03) 9419 8377       fax - (03) 9417 2247
e-mail - [EMAIL PROTECTED] [please mark: "attention: stick together
post - STG, c/o 3CR, PO Box 1277, Collingwood 3066.

Where you can hear the show...Melbourne, on 3CR 855am, Saturday at 10.30am,
repeated Monday at 6am - Gippsland, on 3GCR, Thursdays at 11.30am -
Canberra, on 2XX, Tuesdays at 6pm - Katoomba, on 2BLU, Wednesdays at 5.30pm
- Omeo, on 3HCR, Tuesdays at 6pm - Adelaide, on 5UV, Wednesdays at 2pm -
Sydney, on 2SER. Wednesdays at 8pm - Brisbane, on 4ZZZ, Thursdays at 2.30pm
- Bundaberg, on 4BCR, Thursdays at 10.30am - Woomera, on 5RRR - Perth, on
6RTR - Alice Springs, on 8CCC


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