Dear friends
  We are asking groups and individuals to sign on to this call for a Global
Strike Against Corporate Tyranny & a Blockade of Stock Exchanges on May 1,2001.

Over the last weekend we had a big discussion with our activists from around
the country, many of whom were at S11, and decided to start the ball rolling.
We'll be raising this in the S11 alliances around the country. We also have
very close links with militant groups in Indonesia, East Timor, South Korea,
the Philippines, India and Pakistan - and we have asked them to join the call
for a May 1 Global Strike Against Corporate Tyranny.

At S11, some 20,000 people showed that they are prepared to put themselves on
the line against the corporate globalisation. Tens of thousands more people
were inspired by S11 so on May 1 (with some solid organising) we can do it
again in bigger numbers.

Seattle, Washington, Melbourne and Prague already have the global corporate
chiefs worried. The next next logical step is to go for a simultaneous global

The corporate chiefs might have coped OK with the Y2K bug but they may not do
so well with M1-2K01!

There is already a bit of a global push for M1-2K01 so I urge you to join the

Peter Boyle
Democratic Socialist Party National Office
Telephone: 61 2 9690 1230
Fax: 61 2 9690 1381
email: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   website:

After Seattle, Washington, Melbourne, Prague…
May 1: Global strike against corporate tyranny!

The Democratic Socialist Party and Resistance call on the escalating movement
against the corporate globalisation - the global people's movement that showed
its mighty strength at Seattle, Washington, Melbourne and Prague - to support
the proposal for a Global Strike Against Corporate Tyranny on May 1, 2001.

Neo-liberal capitalist globalisation is bringing unprecedented misery to 
80% of
the world's population just to enrich a tiny minority who are already 
wealthy. It is also worsening an already catastrophic global environment

But now global corporate greed is being challenged by a movement of global

The global corporate rulers are already frightened and arguing among 
about how to combat our growing people's movement. Some think that changing 
name of those instruments of death and misery for millions, the IMF Structural
Adjustment Programmes,  to "Poverty Reduction Strategies" is going to fool us
into leaving the streets. Others are trying to
convince us that making the corporate barons even richer will mean that some
gains will trickle down to the poorest. But we will not be put off.

Sentiment is growing around the world, after the series of mobilisations
against the oppressive international financial institutions - from Seattle to
Washington, to Melbourne, to Prague - for continuing coordinated global 
More and more people are seeing what the sources of the problems of the
majority of the world's people are, and are willing to do something about it.
The downtrodden of the Third World have known the cause of their oppression 
decades, as recently demonstrated in Indonesia, Ecuador, Argentina and 
Today more and more people in the First World, especially the youth, are
expressing their solidarity with the majority of the world's oppressed.

We would like to see this international solidarity not just expressed in a
of actions as the World Bank, IMF, WTO of WEF meets but in cities around the
world in a simultaneous demonstration of opposition to exploitation and

Let's go on the offensive on May 1, 2001 with a truly global action against
global corporate tyranny. Let's walk out of our workplaces, campuses and
schools and converge on those temples of corporate greed, the stock exchanges.
Let M1 unite the massive power of the victims of corporate tyranny in the 
World and in the Third World!

Abolish the IMF, World Bank and the WTO!
Cancel the Third World debt!
Globalise resistance!


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