absolutely women's health is hosting the play "Can't Stand Up For falling
Down" as part of their absolutely live @ the women's' theatre season.The
play is about three women, strangers to each other who are bound by the
brutality of one man. They struggle to break free and stand up for
themselves. A very powerful and moving play!

Date:    Thursday 26th October
Time:   12.30pm with panel discussion by CASA House, DVIRC and No to
Violence (Men's Family Violence Program)
            8pm for performance only

Venue: Yvonne Bowden Auditorium - Royal Women's Hospital, 132 Grattan
Street, Carlton

Cost: $10 & $12     Bookings:Ph 9344 2199


Women's Information Referral Exchange (WIRE) are at present looking for a
new Public Relations/Development Co-ordinator. WIRE seeks a dynamic team
member to help raise its profile. Key areas of responsibility include events
management, media publicity, fundraising and promotions. The position is for
30 hours per week. For a job description phone 9206 0870, or email
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Applications close Friday 3 November.


Friends of the ABC is holding its Annual General Meeting on Thursday 9
November at 6:45 for 7pm at Assembly Hall, 156 Collins Street, Melbourne.
The Guest Speaker will be Jonathan Shier, the new Managing Director of the

This meeting may be the only chance we have to express support of the ABC,
and to inform Mr Shier that the independence of our national broadcaster
cannot be risked through advertising, sponsorship or commercial deals.
Friends of the ABC therefore want people to attend in droves!

New members are welcome, and you can join at the door. For more information,
call Friends of the ABC on 9682 0073 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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