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Earth Matters
Program 111b

Juliet Fox
3CR Community Radio
03 9419 8377
ComRadSat Program 20/10/2000
INTRO : "Hello and thanks for =85"=20
OUTRO : "... see you then."
DURATION : voice ends @ 26'03 frogs til 27'03"

Californian energy deregulation
Dan Berman is a resident of California and campaigner for community
controlled energy. He's also an environmental activist who recently visited
Melbourne where he gave a public lecture on "energy reform, social justic
and the environment". Today on Earth Matters we hear from Dan on the
Californian experience of opening up energy creation and distribution to a
'competitive' market.
IN: "First Dan =85"
OUT: "=85 tend to be for it."
DUR: 12'40"

Lead Poisoning and its on the environment
October 20th is Lead Poisoning Awarenss Day - it commemorates the
publication of a magazine article which, for the first time, described how
lead can poison children. That was over 100 years ago and today lead
continues to poison both people and environments. Elizabeth O'Brien is the
National Coordinator of the LEAD Group, an organisation seeking to
eliminate childhood lead poisoning and to protect the Australian
environment from lead by 2002, and today she speaks with Earth Matters
about the lead poisoning in Australia, environmental impacts and the future
funding cuts set for Australia's only Lead Advisory Service.
IN: "Well it's interesting =85"
OUT: " =85 it is a national service that we run."
DUR: 10'45"


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