Dear LL friends,

Could you please pass along the following message to any women in your 
networks/ organisations in South Australia?

Saturday 25th November is International Day of Action to End Violence 
Against Women. Women are warmly invited to join us on that day at the next 
meeting of the South Australian Branch of the Women's International League 
for Peace and Freedom (WILPF).

At this meeting, Tina Dolgopol (Lecturer in Law at Flinders University) 
will report on the workshop she conducted on behalf of WILPF at the recent 
United Nations Association of Australia (UNAA) Conference in Hobart. Tina 
will also conduct a workshop on the same topic: "Empowering Women for 
Peace: Women in Armed Conflict Situations".

Tina has worked for many years in the international lobbying efforts for 
the human rights of and monetary compensation for the "comfort women", the 
women who were drafted into sexual slavery work by the Imperial Japanese 
Army during World War II. Tina has a breadth of expertise having worked in 
the areas of women in armed conflict situations and the implications for 
all women of such international initiatives as the International Criminal 

All women and girls are welcome. You don't need to be a WILPF member to 
come along. The meeting starts at 2 pm and ends at 4.30 pm. If you'd like 
to join some of us for a shared meal beforehand, the meal starts an hour 
earlier, that is, at 1 pm - bring some food to share - a microwave oven is 
available. Hot drinks provided. Place: WILPF rooms in the Community Aid 
Abroad building at 5 Hutt Street, Adelaide. No cost.

Further information: phone: 8296 4357

Many thanks for passing along this message.

all the best,



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