3CR wins national media awards for S11 coverage
Tuesday November 28, 2000

3CR Community Radio in Melbourne won 3 awards at the weekend's Community
Broadcasting Association of Australia's (CBAA) annual conference held on
the Gold Coast in Queensland.

3CR won 2 awards for its coverage of the S11 protests outside the World
Economic Forum meeting in Melbourne over September 11th - 13th. The first
was for Excellence in Spoken Word Programming, News and Current Affairs and
Documentaries. The second was for the training of volunteers in preparation
for the special S11 outside broadcast under the category of the Dave Rose
Training Award. 3CR also picked up an award for it's live music show "Local
and Live" for Excellence in Music Programming.

During the 3 days of the S11 protests 3CR broadcast live hourly updates
from 7am until 10pm, special breakfast and hometime shows, as well as
supplying the broader community radio sector with an hour long S11 special
on each of the 3 days. Volunteers were trained in the use of new equipment,
live outside broadcasting and uploading audio files to the internet.

"The need for independent, non-corporate media was made crystal clear over
the period of S11. While newspapers, radio and television across the
mainstream led with "violent protestors" (even though their footage and
photos negated this statement), it was left to the likes of 3CR to give
voice both to the issues and cover just what was happening at the protest
site", says 3CR's Current Affairs Coordinator Juliet Fox.

For more information contact:
3CR Current Affairs Coordinator, Juliet Fox
03 9419 8377


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