Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 07:36:42 -0800 (PST)
From: Sem Karoba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear all supporters of West Papua,

Lani Tribe from the highlands is now becoming the TARGET of the Indonesian 
police and army.

We inform that:

1. OPM/TPN is not Lani people, there is no way whatsoever, the Idonesian 
police and TNI point out Lani as OPM/TPN.

2. The struggle in West Papua is the struggle of all Papuans. Why the Lani 
become the target? For a simple reason, we do not have enough access to the 
international community. We are not well educated in modern politics. We 
are the victims of the INdonesian occupation in West Papua. We are honest, 
strong in our principles and beliefs and never surrender and no compromise 
to the Indonesians for the sake of the truth.

3. The massacre and deaths of innocent civilians (recently 3 university 
students  who are Lani in Jayapura) in West Papua are purely the brutal 
acts from the Indonesian army and police, and government who do not want to 
resolve West Papua political issue in democratic way. In recent incident, 
the army attacked two Lani dormitories, Ninmin from Puncak Jaya Regency and 
Nayak from Baliem Regency and took all students sleeping in their 
dormitories and one of them was shot on the spot. Three others died in 
police prison, after heavily beaten. This recent death is the strongest 
example we can ever give you, how Indonesians treat the Lani people since 
they occupied West Papua.

We declare that:

1. Lani people will not step any step back with any reason, until all Lani 
people are completely wiped out from their land, West Papua. We are all 
ready to die for our land.

2. Until January 2001, all Lani people will get out from West Papua to 
Papua New Guinea. This massive exodus is the last effort we can ever do to 
escape from massive genocide over a tribe on this planet.

3. We will not going out to Papua New Guiena to escape from the 
responsiblity, but we are going to fight back, until finally we free West 
Papua from Indonesian colonialism and occupation.

4. All Papuans are now ready and stand-by to close-down multinationals 
operating in West Papua, namely Santa Fe in Sorong, Freeport McMoRan in 
Timika, Conocco in Bintuni, and other timber companies in West Papua AS 
SOON AS POSSIBLE since this letter is sent out to you all. We demand the 
multinationals working in West Papua to take steps towards what is going to 
happen to their operations in West Papua before all things are late. They 
are guests in West Papua, and they need to know what is going to happen.


1. Please mobilise human rights organisations such as Amnesty 
International, Peace Brigade International, UNHCR, and others to come and 
monitor human rights violations and humanitarian crises in West Papua.

2. We urge the International Community to plan actions to resolve West 
Papua political issues democratically, peacefully and comprehensively. The 
international community should not repeat its past mistake by allowing 
further killings of innocent civilians until it is late to act then try to 
blame each other.

All supporters of West Papua, could you please wide-spread this call? West 
Papua is now in emergency situation. We always warn before things happen, 
and we do not want to be late as it usually happens.

Yours in solidarity,



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