The struggle for self-determination
The politics behind the struggle
Guest speaker, Kautsar, is the founding coordinator of SMUR (Student 
Solidarity for the People)
The main pro-referendum student led mass organisation in Aceh. Kautsar is 
currently in Australia to help build the solidarity campaign with the 
Acehnese people

What is SMUR?
In 1998 SMUR led the Acehnese part of the national mass action campaign of 
street demonstrations, mass rallies and strikes which resulted in the 
overthrow of President Suharto. SMUR is also central in organising peasant 
and farmers around land issues.
In 1998 SMUR also coordinated the successful 70% boycott of the general 
elections. 1n March 1999 SMUR led and coordinated a general strike which 
involved 90% of  workers.
SMUR were part of the central leadership which coordinated the December 
1999 two million strong referendum demonstration.
SMUR leads among students and the civil democratic movement in the campaign 
for a referendum for Aceh, the military out and the trial of human rights 
Public meeting: Wednesday, January 17, 7.30pm
Dinner available 7pm
Entry by gold coin donation
Resistance Centre
23 Abercrombie St, Chippendale

Organised by Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East Timor (ASIET)
For interviews or more information, ring John Gauci on 0407 932 388 or Pip 
Hinman on 9690 1230

A protest against the Australian government's ongoing military ties with 
Indonesia and for the right to self-determination for Aceh will take place 
on Saturday January 20 at 12 noon outside the Defence Department on 270 
Pitt St, City. All welcome.


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