Just a reminder for the two-day Summer School "Spirit, Money and Modernity"
on 23/24th February. The tutors are Anitra Nelson, Andy Blunden and Geoff
Boucher and writers whose work will be discussed include Hegel, Marx and
Lev Vygotsky.

The central concern of the seminar is how the money-relation contributes to
the condition of modernity which includes both unprecedented binding
together of everyone in a single world-wide division of labour and at the
same time the fragmentation of social life as every relation of
colaboration is replaced by a customer-service provider relation.

To register:
* phone 03-8344 4459 and speak to Barb or Carlene or leave a message,
* call into the ITC, 800 Swanston St and register and pick up the reading
material, or
* post a cheque ($50 or $10 concession, includes light refreshements) to
Carlene Fava, ITC, Univesity of Melbourne, Parkville 3052.

| - Andy Blunden - Home Page - http://home.mira.net/~andy/index.htm -  |
| "Spirit, so far as it is the immediate truth, is the ethical life of |
| a people: - the individual, which is a world. Phenomenology, Hegel   |
   Spirit, Money & Modernity, Melbourne Uni Summer School 23/24 Feb '01
   Reading material at  http://home.mira.net/~andy/seminars/23feb00.htm


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