Sydney Rally 12 noon
Tuesday 13 November 2001

The rally coincides with two important global events:

*  The World Trade Organisation (WTO) meeting from 9-13 November 2001 in 
Qatar, a country that does not allow freedom of speech or democratic 
protest.  The WTO is an undemocratic organization that implements free 
trade policies to help trans-national corporations regardless of the affect 
on jobs and local communities.* *  The International Metalworkers 
Federation World Congress takes place from 11-14 November 2001 in Sydney. 
The International Metalworkers Federation represents 23 million 
metalworkers from 193 unions in 101 countries and fights for fair trade,

global justice and workers rights.  Over 1000 conference delegates will 
join the rally.*

Support a fairer society- in Australia and globally

Globalisation controlled in the interests of the large corporations has led to:

*  Privatisation of public services and the removal of government control 
*  Increased poverty and greater inequality both within and between nations 
*  Pressure to lower environmental, labour and health and safety standards 
*  Erosion of social security and inequitable access to services 
*  Taxation systems that protect the wealthy and corporations * Loss of 
employment security and increases in casualisation and temporary work *  A 
decline in economic independence and a breakdown of support and respect for 
local communities.*

This rally is part of the global social and environmental movement to 
transform national and international institutions, like the WTO, in the 
interests of the community.  These institutions and large corporations must 
be made more transparent and accountable through:

*  Fair Trade not Free Trade. The promotion of increased employment, social 
and environmental protection;
*  Human rights including workers rights in every country. Bi-lateral and 
multi-lateral trade agreements must be based on the implementation of core 
labour, health, safety, environmental and social standards;
*  The elimination of child and forced labour;
*  The transformation of the global economy to meet the needs of the poor 
by the cancellation of third world debt and the introduction of a Tobin tax 
to limit currency and investment speculation;
*  An end to economic rationalism and national competition policies that 
reduce the strength of our public education, health and welfare system.

We hope that this rally will bring together organizations and individuals 
who want an alternative to global economic policies being dictated to by 
corporate interests over the interests of society.

To become a sponsor of this event please contact any of the Australian 
International Metalworkers Federation affiliated unions:
AMWU  Julius Roe on (03) 9230 5888
CEPU  John Ingram on (03) 9347 9555 or
AWU Adrian Hart on (02) 9690 1022.

Authorised by: The Rally Organising Committee including the AMWU, AWU, 
CEPU, ACTU, Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network (AFTINET), Centre 
for Human Rights Deakin University, Jubilee Australia, Genethics, 
AID/WATCH, Workers Health Centre, Combined Pensioners Association of NSW

2. Indonesian Activist Speaks on Debt Crisis, May 11, 7pm. Binny Buchori 
Executive Secretary of INFID, the International NGO Forum on Indonesian 
Development speaks on Indonesia's escalating debt crisis and the calls of 
civil society for a fair and transparent process to deal with it.

When: Friday May 11th 7 to 9 pm
Where: St James Hall, level 1, 169 Phillip St, Sydney
Entry: by donation: $5
Contact: Thea Ormerod 9150 9713

3. Fair School Wear campaign training, May 22
Fairwear is conducting a training day for students and staff interested in 
social justice and in becoming actively involved in the campaign to end the 
exploitation of clothing outworkers in Australia.

When: Tuesday May 22, 9.30 to 4 pm
Where: Australian Catholic Univeristy, 179  Albert Rd, Strathfield
For more information, go to the Fair Wear web site 
( or contact the Fair Wear office (02) 9380 9091
for more details.


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