Socialist Alliance - Victorian branch

May 11, 2001

Socialist Alliance to contest Aston

The newly formed Socialist Alliance today announced that it will stand its 
first candidate, in the Aston by-election expected to be held next month.

The Socialist Alliance has been formed to fight economic rationalism and 
every aspect of the free market right-wing agenda.

"In Aston, we will be campaigning on the question of jobs. The Arnotts 
closure is just the latest scandal created by corporations that put 
mega-profits before employment and the community," said alliance 
spokesperson David Glanz.

"We will be calling for a shorter working week without loss of pay to share 
the work, nationalisation of companies that abandon their workers, and we 
will be supporting any group of workers taking industrial action to save 
their jobs."

The Socialist Alliance will also be campaigning against federal funding for 
the proposed Scoresby freeway and for a massive expansion of public transport.

"We want to see the Liberals lose Aston with extreme prejudice," said David 
Glanz. "But many people feel that Labor is not offering a genuine 
alternative to economic rationalism and the government's racist stance on 
indigenous people and refugees.

"In Aston, there will be a united left alternative on offer for the first 
time. People will be able to vote for scrapping the GST and taxing the 
rich, and for switching public funds from the Scotch Colleges of this world 
to public education."

* For more information contact David Glanz on 9386 4815 or 0418 316 310.

Nine socialist organisations and many individual activists have formed the 
Socialist Alliance to contest the next federal election.

Supporters include Craig Johnston, Victorian state branch secretary of the 
AMWU, Melbourne University academic Verity Burgmann, comedian Rod Quantock, 
union and environmental activist Jack Mundey, Victorian Fairwear organiser 
Annie Delaney and Victorian Trades Hall women's and equity officer Ellen 

The alliance will stand in every state and territory.
For more details, visit


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