Community Economic Conference 2001

Strategies for defusing the debt time-bomb

Saturday 18 August, 2001;   9.00am - 5.00pm

University of South Australia,
City West Campus,
North Terrace, Adelaide
Lecture Theatre BH2-09 (Ground Floor)

The conference considers the role and impact of debt upon the interlocking 
global crises of economic under-development, foreign control of local 
industries, downsizing and employment insecurity, the rapid depletion of 
the earth's natural resources, and ecological ruination. Specific issues 
include reform of the processes of credit and money creation, the 
alleviation/cancellation of third-world debt, viable alternatives for 
funding infrastructure, the failure of many multinational corporations to 
operate in an accountable manner which recognises their social and 
environmental obligations, and fundamental reform of the IMF, the World 
Bank and the WTO. During the 1990s a number of TOES conferences and 
Peoples' Conferences were held in different Australian cities. This 
conference aims to follow in their tradition. An interactive panel session 
in the afternoon will invite the participation of attendees, and this 
activity will culminate in the formation of a working committee to 
coordinate an ongoing action agenda.

Speakers include:

Michael Rowbotham (Gen Secretary, UK Christian Council for Monetary 
Justice, author of The Grip of Death, etc)
Stephnie de Ruyter (Deputy Leader, New Zealand Democrats)
Shann Turnbull (Author of Democratising the Wealth of Nations, etc)
Chris White (Secretary, United Trades and Labor Council of SA)
Gerald McBride (Economist, University of South Australia)
Mark Henley (Senior Policy Officer, Adelaide Central Mission)
Lou de Leeuw (Eco-business Corporate Research)

Registration cost: $25.00, Concession $20.00

Payment in advance (cheque or money order) may be made to CECADL and mailed 
to the conference coordinator,  PO Box 505, Modbury, SA 5092 (please 
include your postal address, e-mail address and telephone no.). A receipt 
will be issued by return post.

Tea, coffee, fruit juice and spring water will be provided, and there will 
be facilities for ordering lunch.

Sponsors:  Economic Reform Australia, Jubilee Australia, University of SA,
           Reworking Tomorrow, Caritas

Further information: John Hermann, Tel: (08) 8264 4282, Email:


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