The following article was published in "The Guardian", newspaper of the
Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday, July 4th, 2001.
Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills.  Sydney. 2010
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Who to vote for now?

Following the passing of the Workers' Compensation legislation by the
NSW Parliament the Secretariat of the Communist Party issued the
following statement to "The Guardian".

Many workers are justifiably angry at legislation that is a serious blow
to injured workers. It has cut statutory entitlements and will make it
extremely difficult for workers with serious work injuries or work
related health problems to receive any sort of justice.  Many workers
who have been traditional supporters of the Labor Party are now asking
why they should  continue to support a Party that implements anti-worker

Their anger was reflected in a recent vote by some waterfront workers in
Sydney who, in a unanimous resolution, condemned the Carr Labor
Government and the ALP for their disgraceful attack upon NSW workers.

The resolution declared that their union, the MUA, should disaffiliate
from the Labor Party as an act of protest. Parallels were drawn between
the Liberal Party and the ALP, which is increasingly seen by workers to
be pursuing policies in the interests of the employers and corporations
and against the interests of workers.

Mass meetings of members of the NSW Fire Brigade Employees' Union
decided overwhelmingly to disaffiliate from the ALP. FBEU State
Secretary, Mr Chris Read, said: "Bob Carr's arrogance knows no bounds. A
Labor Government doesn't cut workers' comp, ... doesn't break picket
lines, ... cut union dues and a Labor Premier certainly doesn't shove
his fingers in the face of workers like Carr did on the steps of
Parliament this week.

'His obvious preference for the big end of town over the welfare of
injured workers, union members or not, means that this so-called 'Labor'
Premier now has to go."

The Printing Division of the AMWU has also called for their Union to
disaffiliate from the Labor Party or take other forms of action to make
their protests known.

The massed workers outside the gates of Parliament House strongly voiced
their anger. They included many who are members or supporters of the
Labor Party. A number of militant trade unions continued their
opposition even after it became apparent that the legislation was going
to be passed.

Unfortunately, not all trade unions mounted a serious campaign against
the legislation. Some failed to respond, although fully aware that the
legislation will have dire consequences for their membership.

The Labor Council cut short the trade union actions, allegedly to
enable negotiations with the Government. This decision was the first
step in what became a complete capitulation except by a number of
more militant trade unions.

Meanwhile, the big employers strongly supported the legislation. They
expect to pay lower premiums and lower compensation and lobbied to have
the legislation passed rapidly. Employers will now be even less inclined
to implement health and safety measures in workplaces.
So, who is worthy of workers' votes in future elections?

The Liberals? NO!

The Liberal Party voted against the legislation in the Upper House but
left an impression that this was no more than a cynical exercise.

The big business supporters and financiers of the Liberal Party wanted
the legislation through and the political manoeuvres of the Liberal
Party aimed to give the impression that they were on the side of the
workers. The Chikarovski Liberals mounted only a dishonest pretence and
cannot be trusted.
A number of those on the "cross-benches" who had sworn their opposition
were somehow "got at" and suddenly switched their votes. Were they
threatened or bribed?

MPs from six smaller parties and an independent voted for the
legislation.  They were David Oldfield (ex-One Nation), John Tingle
(Shooters' Party), Malcolm Jones (Outdoor Recreation Party) Fred and
Elaine Nile (Christian Democrats) and Richard Jones (Independent).
Being an independent is no guarantee of being on the side of the
workers.  Those who voted for this legislation should be thrown out at
the next election.

Should we vote for right-wing Labor? NO!

Right-wing Labor's gang of three - Carr, Della Bosca and Egan - together
with their parliamentary mates drafted the legislation in secret and
failed to honestly consult with the trade union movement. Commitments
were dishonoured.

Premier Carr relied on a blatant lie to entrap even members of the Labor
Party into support. The claim of a $2 billion deficit is only an
estimated figure of possible entitlements over a 40-year period.  In
fact WorkCover made a profit of $365 million in its last year of

Right-wing Labor once again showed that it has no genuine commitment to
the interests of the working people. They see political "strength" in
their "courage" in being able to impose pro-corporate policies on the
working people. That is the real meaning of Carr's disgusting "V" for
victory sign outside Parliament House while the police were trampling
the union demonstrators.

NO, to right-wing Labor!

And what of the left-wing and centre Labor Party parliamentarians?  Some
refused to cross the Union picket line outside of Parliament House, but
later entered Parliament House to take part in a caucus meeting and none
voted against the legislation.

This anti-worker legislation is one of those occasions when being bound
by "caucus solidarity" and "saving the Labor Party Government" means
complicity in the right-wing agenda. The Carr Government has been saved
to carry on with its anti-working class policies which have only a
paper-thin difference to those of the Liberal and National Parties.

There is a popular idea among many left-wingers, who join the Labor
Party, that they can transform it into a genuine workers' party.  Time
and again this has proven to be an illusion and the Workers'
Compensation legislation proves it once again.

Social democracy is the alternate party of capitalism and will always
end up compromising with the demands of the ruling class-the big

Left Laborites have to make a choice: whether to remain in a blind alley
or fight their way out. Only then can one confidently believe that they
will be able to fulfill their undoubted commitment to the working

Those against

Of those in the present Parliament, only Lee Rhiannon and Ian Cohen (The
Greens), Arthur Chesterfield-Evans (Australian Democrat), Peter Breen
(Reform the Legal System) and Dr Peter Wong (Unity) are worthy of the
support of workers because they opposed the legislation to the end.

Obviously much more is needed if a government is to be elected that will
implement policies in favour of the overwhelming majority of working
people and reject the policies of the big corporations.

The Communist Party has for many years advocated the formation of an
alliance that brings together all the genuine left and progressive

In addition to those who have stood their ground on the compensation
issues, there are trade union leaders who were also committed. It is a
good time for the trade union movement to advance candidates in
elections outside of the Labor Party.

The Communist Party strongly opposed the legislation. It also stands
candidates in elections but nowhere near enough and without the
necessarily strong campaigns to win substantial votes. Communists have
proven their commitment to the working class, time and time again.

The balmy days of Australia being the so-called "lucky country" are fast
disappearing for many workers and their families as the policies of the
economic rationalists, as implemented by both Labor and Liberal
governments, bite deeper and deeper into the rights and conditions which
had been fought for and won in previous years.

The Communist Party is not yet strong enough to make the difference that
is required. We invite you to seriously consider the reality of the
present situation and consider what you can do about it. It is time for
many who are committed to the cause of the working people to seriously
think about joining the Communist Party.

We invite others who may not yet wish to take that step to join forces
to help build a real people's alternative government that will
consistently work to implement policies that are truly in the interests
of all the working people.

The position in the trade union movement must also be changed by the
election of more militant leaderships who will give their first priority
to the interests of their membership rather than to keeping a Labor
Government in office even when it is anti-working class and works
assiduously to fulfill the needs of the big corporations.



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