Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2001 14:32:04 +0930
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Moving Forward: Reparations for the Stolen Generations Conference

15 and 16 August 2001

A national conference to facilitate public debate about reparations for the 
stolen generations will be held on 15-16 August 2001 at the University of 
New South Wales in Sydney. The conference will be hosted by the Human 
Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC), the Aboriginal and Torres 
Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) and the Public Interest Advocacy Centre 

During 1995-96, HREOC conducted the National Inquiry into the Separation of 
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from Their Families. The 
report of the inquiry, Bringing them Home, was tabled in the Federal 
Parliament in 1997, and illustrated the considerable harm and abuse 
suffered by many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and 
communities as a consequence of their removal.

Four years later, despite litigation and calls to address the trauma and 
harm caused, there remains a pressing need for reparations for the stolen 
generations. Moving Forward - Achieving reparations for the stolen 
generations, will bring together Indigenous and non-indigenous Australians 
to explore a model for providing reparations to members of the stolen 

The conference will address topics including

q the inadequacy of government measures to meet the needs of those affected 
by forcible removal;

q international law and models for dealing with reparations for violations 
of human rights;

q the findings of a national consultation project on a reparations tribunal 
proposal, conducted by PIAC, ATSIC and              the National Sorry Day 

q government and church responses to the history and effects of forcible 

q the importance of reparations in advancing the process of reconciliation.

The conference hosts are committed to ensuring that members of the stolen 
generations play a central role in shaping the conference outcomes. Members 
of the stolen generations are encouraged to attend the conference and 
should contact the conference organisers with any queries or requests for 

The conference will feature international and Australian speakers including:

* Audrey Ningali Kinnear, Co-chair National Sorry Day Committee

* Carol Kendall, Link Up and the NSW Stolen Generations Memorial Foundation

* Shelley Reys, Co-chair, Reconciliation Australia

* Brian Butler, ATSIC Commissioner

* Dr William Jonas AM, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice 
Commissioner (HREOC)

* Elizabeth Evatt AC, Chairperson PIAC, formerly member of the UN Human 
Rights Committee

* Mike Degagne, Executive Officer, Canadian Aboriginal Healing Foundation

* Dumisa Ntzebeza, former commissioner on the South African Truth and 
Reconciliation Commission

* Justice Joe Williams, Chief Judge of the New Zealand Waitangi Tribunal

* Nathalie Des Rosiers, President, Law Commission of Canada

* Professor Taunya Banks, University of Maryland, USA

* Rev David Gill, Secretary-General, National Council of Churches in Australia

* The Hon Philip Ruddock MP, Minister for Reconciliation and Aboriginal and 
Torres Strait Islander Affairs

* Senator Aden Ridgeway, Deputy Leader, Australian Democrats

* Bob McMullan MP, Federal Shadow Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait 
Islander Affairs

For further information about the conference, programme, speakers, 
facilities and registration contact the Moving Forward Conference 
Secretariat at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or on 02 9284 9830 or go to 
the website at

PER:    Patrick T. Byrt

Convenor- Reconciliation and Human Rights

Roma Mitchell Community Legal Centre Inc.

110 The Parade, NORWOOD, S.A. 5067 PO Box 4018, NORWOOD SOUTH, S.A. 5067 
TEL: (08) 8362 1154 / FAX: (08) 8362 0410 website: e-mail: 


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