Press Call from Aboriginal Tent Embassy

11:00 am        Laying down the Ancient Law of this Land

Uncle Kevin Buzzacott, Arabunna Elder and ceremonial keeper  of the Sacred 
Fire for Peace and Justice, along with other Elders at the Aboriginal Tent 
Embassy, will take back the emu and kangaroo sacred totems of the Dreaming 
from Old Parliament House now.  Kangaroo and emu are sacred animals of our 
ancient Dreaming, stolen like our land, decimated like our culture, and 
killed along with Aboriginal people. Currently Sacred Dreaming Totems of 
kangaroo and emu are used by the Commonwealth Government in their coat of 
arms without our permission. Emu and Kangaroo are being used unlawfully as 
tools of oppression on Parliament House, the Law Courts and on police 
uniforms, etc.  The Commonwealth government has no authority in this 
land.  Aboriginal People have more than 40,000 years jurisdiction.  We are 
the real Law of this land.

Today the Commonwealth government will be directed to remove the kangaroo 
and the emu in the coat of arms from Old Parliament House and later from 
the Law Courts.  The Australian Federal Police will be directed to remove 
our Sacred Totems from the badges on their uniforms. The Sacred Totems of 
the Dreaming will then be brought home to the Fire at the Aboriginal Tent 
Embassy for a ceremony with all the clans and families, because these 
animals have been disconnected and misused by the oppressor.

By bringing the emu and kangaroo back we are relieving the oppressor of the 
curse that is on them for stealing our Sacred Dreaming Totems.  They can 
have the lion and the unicorn instead.  The Smoking Ceremony will be 
performed for creation.

We are calling up ancestral spirits, including the moon, sun and stars. 
This is a universal ceremony and we ask for the ceremony to be respected.

All respectful people are welcome to attend.  It is asked that you bring a 
gift of wood for the fire.

Join the peoples' movement:
The Australian Reconciliation Party


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