Reading Lev Lafayette and Anthony Leong's opus, "The Sex Industry: 
Socialism or Censorship", was more like watching myself in a funhouse 
mirror, distorted and misconstrued beyond recognition.

Lafayette and Leong wrote: "Wu is a recently converted disciple of the 
sexual sectarianism". FALSE. I was a radical feminist since my first year 
of university study in New Zealand, although there was a brief period of 
time when I became interested in postmodern theories, political commitments 
in helping the feminist movement convinced me that being an Asian (a blend 
of Chinese and Taiwanese cultural heritage at that, too!)radical lesbian 
feminist, is the best political identity I can identify myself with. It is 
disturbing that Lafayette and Leong should choose to attack my ethnicity, 
feminist belief as well as my sexual identity as "sexual sectarianism".

Lafayette and Leong's claim that my comment of "Lafayette claimed that 
feminism is merely a 'sectional interest', rather than of 'universal 
concern'" to be "distortion" and "misrepresentation" is both ridiculous and 
cowardly in that Lafayette is trying to deny what he has written to 
feminists ( or could it be an evil twin brother, or a temporary amnesia?!) 
who have written to him in protest of the absence of independent feminist 
representative at the conference. I will quote what he has written to 
Sheila Jeffreys and to Heather Benbow:

"As the first conference of this nature we are interested primarily in 
universal concerns rather than sectional interests. However, we do have two 
speakers on specific, contextual matters: Gary Foley, on indigenous issues 
and Anthony Leong, on multiculturalism. Which of these two do you propse we 
replace for a speaker on women's issues? And what women's issues relevant 
to Victoria do you propose have political priority over reconciliation with 
our indigenous people or enhancing mullticulturalism?"

"I do not see (but acknowledge that I might be wrong) that the political 
and economic rights of women are about to undergo a rapid advance or are 
seriously under threat."

Lafayette has also written to Green Left Weekly demanding an apology for 
printing my article because he sees my comment as "fabrication". After 
reading the letters exchanged between Jeffreys and Lafayette, GLW has since 
then written back to Lafayette to refute his claim, which Lafayette then 
wrote back to GLW in agreement: "Your suggestion is, in the main, a 
balanced and reasonable response."

If Lafayette has agreed to Green Left's decision, then why is he still 
whinging in public forums about an issue he has already agreed upon?

Lafayette and Leong's attempt to use biological reductionism to argue that 
"sexual desire is a biological function" is hilarious. Human sexual 
conventions are one of the most artificial constructions in the social 
practices. After all, how many monkeys do you see wearing fishnet stockings 
or flashy ties during mating seasons? Many feminists have always been 
critical about sexuality as a social construction, perhaps the two men 
would care to read more feminist texts before whipping up pseudo-feminist 
theories themselves.

Lafayette and Leong also claimed that I'm absolutist in saying that: "as 
the practice of patriarchy, which seeks to justify its status quo and 
domination through the construction of women as expendable 
object-commodities for the consumption of the male consumers" (7).

Before they jump into a witch-burning frenzy, I might just point out one 
thing: the extract was from an essay I'd send to Lafayette for comments 
before we had the dispute regarding the Left Labor conference. Lafayette 
and I were friends for over a year, and sometimes we would look at each 
others' work for feedbacks and discussions. However, I NEVER gave Lafayette 
permission to quote my personal works in public (after all, he's not my 
publisher!), nor do I consider quoting lines out of their context to be a 
fair way to rebut opponents. Rather, Lafayette has abused our former 
friendship when I had considered it safe to entrust my works for his 
viewing. Now I am wondering of just what other personal information he know 
of me to exploit for his own personal motivations.

Lafayette and Leong also claimed that I've never protested to Lafayette 
regarding the conference. False again. Lafayette might care to stretch his 
memory back to the afternoon of Saturday 9th June: in a conversation with 
Lafayette, I raised a concern about whether it is suitable that Peter 
Torney is speaking at the conference when he is also a member of the Eros 
Foundation. Lafayette then assured me that I'll be interested to know that 
Maureen Mathews, a "feminist", will also be speaking at the conference. Not 
knowing who Maureen Mathews at the time (member of Eros Foundation and 
proprietor of a sex shop), I took Lafayette's words to be true, and hence 
my enthusiasm for looking forward to the conference, until it became clear 
two weeks later that Lafayette has no interest in allowing feminist voice 
to address to women's issue.

Nearly a month has passed by since the Left Labor conference, yet Lafayette 
still seems to be upset by the objections raised by feminists both within 
Labor Left as well as those outside of the political faction. This is shown 
in his co-authored article with Leong, his repeated inflammatory posts 
regarding Professor Jeffreys in various public newsgroups, as well as his 
attempt to silence dissenting voice with threats of defamation to me in 
private communications despite my repeated request of him to stop. I am not 
sure whether this is standard political tactics, but it sure sounds like 
alot of right-wing facism to me.

Joyce Wu

"I have come to believe over and over again that what is most important to 
me must be spoken, made verbal and shared, even at the risk of having it 
bruised and misunderstood." - Audre Lorde


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