Dear All,

Nominations for the first annual Paterson's Curse awards close this
Friday, so if you've got a nomination brewing, get going on it pronto!

As of today we've received 25 nominations for the five awards - we're
looking forward to a lot more and to see you all there on 7 August for
a night not to be missed.

The good as well as the bad - we've currently only received 3
nominations for the grevillea award for the most inspiring local
campaign - and I know there's a lot more inspiration out there!

The details and nomination form follow again for those who missed it
the first time.


Janet Rice
Convenor, Melbourne West branch, The Australian Greens

Does Someone You Know Deserve An Award?
Who reminds you of Paterson's Curse?

Find out on 7 August at the  first annual "Paterson's Curse"
Environment and Human Rights Awards, organised by The Melbourne West
branch of The Australian Greens

We're so sick of corporate bullies and government stuff-ups, we've
decided to give locals a chance to speak out against them.  And to
make it fun, we want to give the worst offenders "awards" named after
Melbourne's worst environmental weeds, like Paterson's Curse!

What campaigns are you or groups you are involved with working on?
What do you want to see changed in the west of Melbourne?
Which villains are you fighting?

And yes, the positives too. Who do you find inspirational? Who are
running the best campaigns in the region, fighting for social and
environmental change?

We invite you to nominate some appropriate recipients for these awards
and to attend our fabulous awards night to be held on Tuesday 7 August
2001 in Footscray.

A nomination form for you to nominate some worthy
recipients follows. Nominations must be received by 27 July.

Final judging of the winners will be done by the audience on the

The Greens Senate candidate for Victoria, Scott Kinnear, will be
attending to present the awards, so the evening will also be a good
opportunity to meet Scott and find out what The Greens priorities for
this year's federal election will be.

Please join us in being part of something that's fun, serious,
important and irreverent all at the same time!

Paterson's Curse Environment and Human Rights Awards
'The Church' 10 Hyde St Footscray (next to the Maribyrnong Town Hall)
7.30pm Tuesday 7 August 2001

Free entry to the awards night (donations of course happily accepted)
but please bring your wallets for purchase of greens things, raffle
tickets and supper!

Please RSVP for the evening by email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
by ringing Barbara Ryan on 9689 3441 or Janet Rice on 9687 7386.
Please contact us also if you would like further information about the

Janet Rice

1st Annual Paterson's Curse Awards 2001 hosted by Melbourne West

Your name:
Your organisation: (if any)
Your Address:
home phone
work phone
E-mail Address:

I wish to nominate:


They are
_An individual
_A group
_A company
_A local Council
_A government department

I am nominating them in the following Award category:

_PATERSON's CURSE AWARD Attack on human rights
_GREVILLIA AWARD for Most inspiring local campaign
_SERRATED TUSSOCK AWARD for Inappropriate Development
_GOLDEN SEWER AWARD for Damage to waterways
_BONESEED AWARD for Lack of consultation

_Yes, If my nomination is shortlisted, I agree to give a short
presentation at the Awards night, Tuesday 7 August 2001

You can attach written supporting material to your nomination.
_I have attached this material

The Greens Melbourne West Branch reserves the right to shortlist
nominees. No discussion will be entered into.
Nominations must be based on facts. Supporting materials to back up
your reasons for
nominating a group, individual or a company/organisation must exist.
Nominations must reflect activities that have been conducted in the
western region of Melbourne.

Please complete this form and return to:
Australian Greens Melbourne West Branch
c/- Janet Rice 14 Stirling Street, Footscray, 3011

Closing date for nominations is:  27 July 2001


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