The Sydney Morning Herald
Wednesday July 25, 2001
Margo Kingston's Web Diary:

Today, the view from the trenches in Genoa, courtesy of my brother Hamish 

JULY 22, 2001


The Independent Media Center in Genoa City and a nearby schoolhouse "safe 
area" was attacked at midnight last night by police, aided, it appears, by 
mysterious elements disguised as anarchists who committed savage and bloody 
attacks on activists and independent journalists.

This is the culmination of a systematic campaign of state violence against 
enormous and overwhelmingly peaceful protests against the G8 summit here.

We were in the Carlini stadium which was where Ya Basta! was camped out 
when the attack occurred - most of the major tutti bianci and other 
contingents were already gone, there were only about three or four hundred 
people left there at 1 AM when we got news of the IMC attack.

We were told to get our things and walk up to a different camp about twenty 
minutes walk away while Ya Basta! assembled journalists and 
parliamentarians whose presence would protect us, as our camp was 
definitely next.

Apparently the cops did show up an hour after we took off, and completely 
trashed the place; after searching everything, they opened the camp to a 
bunch of junkies who then went through all the remaining bags and tents and 
made off with or destroyed everything of value.

The cops have been working with a lot of low-life elements: the big story 
today is of a group of about fifty "Black Bloc" types who none of the other 
anarchists knew who always showed up and started acting extremely violently 
right before the cops arrived to gas and attack peaceful protestors. In 
some cases this reportedly caused actual fistfights with other Black 
Blockers who were trying to stop them from attacking small shops or other 
illegitimate targets.

The main question people are asking is whether they were cops or fascists 
working with the cops - the question may be moot if reports are to be 
believed that the top story of the local carabinieri HQ here is covered 
with swastikas and fascist symbols.

The story with the IMC: a couple minutes before midnight according to an 
eyewitness account from someone from RTS New York, a band of 50 
"anarchists" in suspiciously uniform black clothes, bandanas and halmets 
appeared on a corner near the IMC, coming from the direction of a police 
position, started overturning dumpsters, and vanished again.

At exactly midnight a major police convoy appeared and bashed down the gate 
of the IMC with a van; people on the street who tried to form a line were 
beaten bloody with truncheons; at the IMC itself they had to produce a 
warrant and behave in a fairly civilized fashion, simply ripping tapes out 
of cameras, appropriating files and smashing computers - largely because 
the IMC was given the space by the city government and at least one 
minister of parliament was present - but across the street, in a "safe 
space" in which many activists were sleeping or eating in a schoolhouse, 
they simply came in swinging and attacked everyone they could get their 
hands on.

Most of the most savage beatings were again not done by uniformed police 
but by characters dressed in jeans and bandanas and helmets with 'police' 
written on their T-shirts, which had presumably been under the black 
sweatshirts all along. There was blood and broken glass everywhere inside; 
dozens were arrested, many carried off to the station in stretchers with 
broken limbs; today every third person you see in the IMC is wounded in 
some way - black eyes, arms in casts, gashes and cuts all over. Most are 
afraid to go to the hospital because the police have been removing people 
with unexplained wounds from hospital beds and throwing them in jail.

There were unconfirmed reports in the corporate media that three people 
were killed in the assault; most people today think this was mistaken 
(corporate media is hobbled in covering stories like this because most of 
them have a policy not to use independent media as a source. Apparently the 
BBC refused to run live footage of the police assault the IMC offered to 
supply them while it was happening because they claimed the event was 

A French journalist is looking into the matter of the "warrant" and 
believes that it was a fraud - no such warrant was actually issued. There 
are rumors that Amnesty International is going to take up the matter at the 
World Court at the Hague and specifically accuse the Italian government of 

Considering the fact that the Berlusconi regime is already working in 
coalition with overtly fascist parties (ie, led by Mussolini's 
grand-daughter) the press is already beginning to talk of a fascist 
government. Many of the techniques employed here: the use of fake bomb 
threats, rightists posing as leftist terrorists to justify brutal 
oppression, were those employed in the '70s to repress Autonomia.

However, what is happening here is obviously not just an Italian phenomena: 
techniques of repression are clearly being developed systematically, with 
new elements being added with every major action.

For instance, the Italian police here used what were for them entirely new 
techniques here, such as the wall around the "red zone" and the systematic 
use of extremely powerful tear-gas, which were spearheaded in Quebec City 
in April; the use of agents provocateurs disguised as anarchists right 
before police attacks on peaceful protestors was used at least since 
Barcelona in June, where it was fully documented on film and acknowledged 
even by the corporate media; the use of live ammunition of course goes back 
to Gothenburg.

It is important to note that after Gothenburg, Ya Basta! appealed to the 
government, saying that they were going to promise that no one associated 
with them engaged in any aggressive acts against either persons or 
property, and they were asking the police in return to agree not to bring 
live ammunition but rubber bullets and other relatively non-lethal arms.

The police refused, and even publicly announced a week before the summit 
that they were ordering body bags for dead protestors. The shootings and 
killings were not accidental: this was an intentional policy which goes 
back at least to the top of the Italian government but most likely to 
agencies like the US secret service which were ultimately coordinating the 
defense of the summit.

It is important to stress that the initiative for personal violence in just 
about every case we have looked into came from the police and not the 
protestors. On the 19th, there was a completely peaceful march of 50-60,000 
people calling for international freedom of movement; since the police did 
not attack, there was no violence or property destruction of any kind.

The next day there were to be four or five separate columns descending on 
the walled "red zone" ranging from the Tuti Bianci in whimsical foam rubber 
armor and giant plexiglass shields, reformist groups like ATTAC who had no 
intention of doing direct action of any kind, radical syndicalists, a 
theatrical "pink bloc" with wigs and feather dusters, and a pagan bloc 
teamed with Gandhian pacifists who performed a spiral dance ceremony.

Every single one was attacked by the police, and always following the same 
pattern: first massive gassing similar to Quebec City, then baton charges 
meant to break bones and heads. The only group which was not attacked was 
the small "splinter group" within the Black Bloc which somehow mysteriously 
appeared in the middle of whatever group the police were about to attack 
next, destroying property randomly, and in some cases physically attacking 
people (including other anarchists) who tried to stop them, then somehow 
vanishing right before the cops began gassing.

This group was never itself assaulted by the police, it seems, but every 
other one was at one point or another.

If the police were intending to provoke mayhem, they succeeded: enraged 
protestors and many local citizens banded together to smash store windows 
and set fire to banks; in some places they even turned police violence back 
on the police, throwing rocks and bottles: there were several street 
battles, and in one of them, nearby where the Ya Basta! march was blocked 
by a police assault, local people, (real) anarchists and others combined 
forces to drive the police back and at certain points the police were 
definitely getting the worst of it; this is where a police officer shot one 
protester through the eye and drove his van over him, killing him.

Whatever the circumstances of the actual shooting (and it was not the only 
occasion in which police used live ammunition, others were, apparently, 
wounded by live bullets), the decision to incite violence and then arm 
police with live ammunition was made beforehand with full knowledge of the 
likely results, and in open defiance of desperate pleas from the protestors 
not to take that course.

It is the Berlusconi regime and the international police networks who have 
been coordinating the repression of the movement who are responsible for 
the violence and death in Genoa, not any particular policeman, carabinieri, 
or even fascist. These men knew exactly what they were doing.

We have to coordinate an immediate response. We always knew that the hammer 
of the state would come down eventually. The movement has been growing too 
fast, and has been far too effective, to be allowed to advance further. Now 
it is happening.

At this point it appears we have no choice: we must appeal, in every way 
possible, to civil society; to spread the word about what is happening and 
to hold those responsible to account.

It is already starting to happen in Europe and it is much harder in the 
United States where the press is so much more systematically biased against 
us, but this is a time to start playing every card we have - every 
connection or access to the power structure, time to start making phone 
calls, to start daily protests and even, if necessary, scrupulously 
non-violent direct actions against the media itself if it refuses to reveal 
what is actually happening here.

We have to jam their email and phone banks, not to let them get away with 
lying about us any more. These things can be done. We can turn it around. 
We can stop the engine of repression in its tracks if our pressure is 
massive and overwhelming.

Every time we read a story saying "police raid headquarters of violent 
protestors" we need to have a hundred letters sent demanding that they 
print the truth. We need to start calling the journalists responsible and 
demanding to know why they use the language they did and will not publish 
key information.

To ask them: if you admit (as they often do in private) that police 
attacked overwhelmingly peaceful protesters, why is it they never say so?

Be creative. Be disruptive. Absolutely refuse to go away.

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