There will be (at least) two protests at the Tasmanian ALP state conference
this weekend:

Saturday, 12noon, Wrest Point Casino: Wilderness Society organised rally on
forest issues

Sunday, 12noon, Wrest Point Casino: Socialist Alliance initiated protest
against Labor's "economic rationalist" record.

This record for the Bacon government includes the following: "privatising
the Trust Bank, introducing a Kennett-style workers' compensation system,
closing the only state-funded child-care centre in Tasmania, allowing
nuclear warship visits in violation of its election platform, closing one
primary school, presiding over record levels of woodchipping of old-growth
forests, ignoring election promises to decriminalise marijuana and remove
anti-abortion laws, threatening to close a women's shelter, doing nothing
about chronic underfunding of the state's health system leading to a
blow-out in hospital waiting lists, bowing to business pressure to gut
relatively progressive industrial relations legislation and closing the
Royal Derwent Hospital."

The protest is taking place under the banner of "People before profits".
Specific issues to be taken up include: ensuring an adequate abortion
service since the ONLY free-standing abortion clinic was closed this year,
more funding for the health budget.

For more info: ph 6234 6397 or email back to me. All welcome.


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