For Melbourne comrades - August 16
Their Struggle is Our Struggle! Globalise Solidarity!
National Day of Action in solidarity with the struggles in Indonesia, Aceh, 
West Papua and Papua New Guinea
Starting at the State Library, cnr La Trobe and Swanston Sts @ 12.30pm and 
then marching to DFAT (Dept of Foreign Affairs) to demand
*IMF, World Bank out of Indonesia & PNG
*Fight the dictaorship in Indonesia
*No miliary ties
*Referendum on Independence for Aceh and West Papua
*No sweatshops
Initiated by ASIET (Action in Solidarity with Indonesia and East TImor)
Endorsed by Students and Sustainability conference 2001, Resistance, 
Socialist Worker, Kate Davidson NUS National Education officer, WARTA, 
Australian Acehnese Association; No Nike campaign (Melbourne), Students 
Campaigning Against Multinationals (Brisbane), Socialist Alternative, O3 to 
Chogm collective (Melb Uni).

Given the recent events in this region with six PNG students being shot 
dead not long ago in PNG, and wit hthe rise n political repression in 
Indonesia (There are now more political prisoners in Indonesia than there 
was in the last year of Suharto's regime) this action will be important in 
build the solidarity movement with pro democracy activists in the region. 
We want to tell the Australian government what we think of their foreign 


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