Free Tian Chua

Saturday 27 October
is the international day of action
to free Tian Chua

Tian Chua has been jailed under the Internal Security Act.
Tian has a long history of organising workers of all races in Malaysia. Tian
was the organiser of the Labour Resource Centre in Malaysia and a main
activist in the democracy movement. Tian was jailed on 10 April 2001. He is
in jail because he fights for the rights of all workers.

Malaysian activists will be holding a rally
outside the gates of Kamunting Detention Centre
in Taiping, Malaysia

Please send a message of support to:

SUARAM, 383, 1st Floor, Jalan 5/59, Ptaling Gardens,
46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel: 60 3 7784 3525    Fax: 603 7784 3526

Abolish the ISA

The Malaysian Internal Security Act allows the repressive Mahathir
Government to jail people for up to two years without any charges being laid
and without any form of trial. After two years the government has to present
a charge. The Malaysian government uses the ISA to threaten all opposition
and to scare workers fighting for their rights.

Defend the right to organise
Free Tian Chua

Australia Asia Worker Links
PO Box 264, Fitzroy Vic 3065 Australia
Tel: 61 3 9663 7277   Fax: 61 3 9662 4557
Assn No: A1318   ABN: 82 920 590 967


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