Bombing and invading one of the poorest countries on earth, a country which
since the late 70s has known nothing but war, will do nothing to eliminate
terrorism.  It is more likely to ensure that the appalling events of
september 11 happen again.

There is a real danger that the world could descend into a spiral of
increasing violence.

On Sunday 4 November at 12 noon, at the Archibald Fountain in Hyde Park
North, a rally for peace will take place.

Come and show your support for a peaceful world.

Network Opposing War and Racism (NO-WAR) meets wednesday nights, 7pm, level
4 in the University of Technology, Broadway, Sydney.

Friends of the Earth 9267-6222
Australian Anti-Bases Committee, 9212-0800
Tom 0408-619-152
Keara 0408-443-013


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