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Chris Chaplin
Spokesperson for Trade, Immigration and Housing
The Greens (Victoria)
T: +61 3 9484 0802
M: 0400 886 876
W: www.vic.greens.org.au

As part of Refugee Week, the Darebin Greens are staging a


of women and children, to highlight the plight of these 'invisible people'
in immigration detention centres.

Saturday, 13th October, 11am at Preston Market
(Melways Melways map 18 G11)
Murray Road side, in the space between Coles supermarket and the Market,
outside Speciality Meats and the Party Supplies Shop

**Local mother and Greens candidate for Batman in the upcoming federal
election, Alex. Bhathal, will introduce the imprisonment.

Women and children speakers needed especially in languages other than
English (Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Vietnamese) - people to read aloud case
studies and a child or young person who can read selections from the UN
Convention on the Rights of the Child.

# This will be a small, calm event, in a public space.  Toilets, food and
drinks close by.
# It will last for approximately half an hour.
# Please explain to your child that we are 'acting' the imprisonment.
# Care will be taken to make sure it's a positive experience for all
involved: at the end, the "detention centre" will be theatrically closed
down and the detainees released into the care and support of the community,
just as we would like to see!).
# If this event is successful, we intend to use mock imprisonment of women
and children repeatedly in the Federal election campaign, to draw public
attention to the plight of families in the detention centres.

There are hundreds of children in Immigration Detention Centres around
Australia.  They live in cramped and highly stressful conditions - they live
in prisons!

At Maribyrnong, children go to school in armoured vehicles, escorted by
armed security guards.   They have no contact outside of school hours with
their school-mates.  They see nothing of the wider Australian community, of
life outside the Detention Centres.

What sort of life is this for a child?  What legacy will it leave them?

Show your abhorrence for this situation by coming along this Saturday!  Call
the Darebin Greens on 9480 1740 or 9484 0802 to volunteer or for more info.

Media enquiries, please contact Chris Chaplin on 0400 886 876

In celebration of Refugee Week, come to the

The women of Victoria,
Irrespective of their race, religion, ethnicity and colour,
are working together to combat religious and racial intolerance
that proliferated since the New York tragedy.

Defend Multiculturalism
from those who are determined to use the incident
to unleash their anti-Muslim and anti-Arab sentiments.

When: Sunday October 14, 2001
Time: 11:30 am to 2:30 pm (official start at 12 noon)
Where: Steps of the Victorian Parliament (top of Bourke Street, City), and
afterwards in the Treasury Gardens nearby.
What: Short speeches from diverse women, enjoy some music/entertainment,
then BYO picnic.

Show your solidarity and support by
wearing green, white or purple symbolising women for peace and harmony.
Family, partners and friends are most welcome.

For information, please ring:
Rosemary Iachelini 9687 3494 or 0418 568 490, Sheila Byard 9376 7870, Annie
Pettitt 9654 5050, Dr. Melika Sheik-Eldin  9328 5611 or 0414 952 431, and
Nazrah Ibrahim  0402 434 620.

Organised by the Victorian Immigrant and Refugee Women's Coalition

Supported by YWCA Victoria, AMES, VCOSS, UNAA Status of Women Network,
AFUW-Vic, Union of Australian Women, ANCORW, ALP Women's Policy Committee,
WAVE, CAPOW, Islamic Council of Victoria, Women's Health West, Ethnic
Communities Council of Victoria, Melbourne City Mission, Inner Western MRC,
Equal Opportunity Commission Vic, ourcommunity.com.au. and many others.

Also coming up:

The Catholic Commission for Justice, Development & Peace (Melbourne)

Public Forum

. Why has racist sentiment flared up in Australia?
. Is racism spontaneous or cultivated?
. How has Australia dealt with racism?
. What can be done for the future?

Ms. Diane Sisely, CEO, Equal Opportunity Commission
Ms. Joumanah Al Matrah, Islamic Women's Welfare Council
Dr. Andrew Markus, Director, Australian Centre for Jewish Studies,
Monash University
Fr. Andy Hamilton, Publisher, Eureka Street

Wednesday, 31 October 2001
6.30 p.m. - 8.00 p.m.

Australian Volunteers International
Frank Engels Room
88 Kerr Street, Fitzroy (Melway ref.: 2C, A6)

RSVP: Genevieve Ryan at the CCJDP on (03) 9926 5710

Kerr Street is accessible from Tram nos. 11 & 12 from Collins Street and No.
96 from Bourke Street.  Pay parking is available in the Bullring Carpark,
Argyle Street (entrance from Johnston Street) or there is limited meter
parking in Kerr Street and surrounds.



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