Dear all...

You would probably know that the Refugee Freedom Bus has been at Port 
Hedland for the last few days. On Friday we arrived, applied for 
visiting approval at the Heldand Detention Center, and hung out. On 
Saturday, three of us visited people inside the detention center from 10 
till 5 and were handed an eight page doccument by one of the people 
commencing a hunger strike that night- (I'll attempt to send an email 
about that in the next few days)- while the others braved the Invasion 
Day festival on the main street in the Port. Sunday we attempted to 
visit at 9am and were refused access by ACM. We saw a paddy wagon going 
around the back of the detention center and, thinking people that were 
detained might be being arrested, we followed it.

What followed was one of the most traumatic and uplifting and
emotionally devetating days of my life.

We approaced the fences - still about 50 meters away from people who 
have been systematically hidden from human contact - and waved. The 
people behind the fences asked us, almost suspiciously, what we were 
there for, and when we said that we were friends they started to 
frantically try to communicate. They asked us to move further around the 
fence until we reached a section where they were only 2 meters from us. 
There was a mass of children and women in the courtyard and when they 
saw us the children ran to the fence and started chanting "Freedom! 
Freedom! Freedom!" and the women asked us why Australians hate them so 
much and we started  to cry and say we are so sorry and they started to 
cry. People who spoke english approached the fence and started pouring 
out their stories. They kept saying please tell Australians we are human 
beings, we are not animals, we are not criminals.  We want Freedom. We 
want Freedom.

Then everyone started desperately shouting out their codes and names, so 
people on the outside would be allowed ot make contact with them. We got 
out pens and paper and for the next two hours it felt like we did 
nothing but record peoples details and requests for contact and numbers.

Many people pleaded for contact with the outside world and told us they 
were good people, people would see that if they met them, or talked to 
them.They asked us if Australian people really thought what was said on 
talkback radio, and channel 9 news and if we thought people in Port 
hedland really thought they were monsters. And we told them that EVERY 
step of our long journey we have met good people; people who cared; 
people with compassion, and we were so sorry for the people who didn't.

We exchanged names and then people started calling out our names to get 
us to move to a section of the fence to talk to them. We spoke to person 
after person recording details of their story and promising to pass them 
on to the media and other Australians.

They called us brothers and sisters.

I forget how it started now, but all of a sudden there was hundreds of 
bits of paper, stories, contact details, pictures, pleas, wrapped around 
bits of rock with ripped washing cloth, or stuffed inside tennis balls 
being thrown over the fence. We read each one and promised that we would 
pass their information on, that we wouldn't let them join the list of 
forgotten people.

We told them what we'd been doing, and they said that when they'd heard 
we were coming they didn't believe it. The'd been told that people were 
coming from Sydney before and they had never come. We played Cat Stevens 
songs on the guitar at a detainee's request. We passed on mesages from 
people in perth, showed them banners and placards from groups in sydney 
and melbourne and perth and contacted the media. We tapped out rhythms 
on djimbe drums we'd brought, and coconut husks we found in the 
sand-dunes. We drummed and danced and talked and threw t-shirts over the 
fences. They threw gifts over the fences of fruit and iced water and 
then appologised at the meagerness of their offerings. The children 
threw over their toys.

They spoke so eloquently of their survival and suffering and hope and 
loss of hope and we made jokes and sang we love you back to them when 
they sang it to us.

And then we were asked to pack up. And then we were asked to leave. And 
then we were told we were being "disoredly" - that the songs been 
singing all day, the chants of "We love you! We thank you" were 
"inciting a riot". And then three of us - the same three that visited 
the detention center the day before - and one twelve year old activist 
from Bellingen were arrested.

We spent the next day preparing for court and dividing up the messages, 
while the others from the bus went back to the detention center.

The reason I'm telling you this is becaus we are about to leave Port 
Hedland, and these people behind. One of the letters from over the fence 
is a request for urgent help to prevent a deportation, and this needs to 
be acted on as soon as possible. But more generally I fear that the 
spurt of hope they recieved from our short contact will soon ferment 
back into depression if we dont do everything we possibly can to relieve 
the dehumanising monotony of their detention.

We have three request for your action:
1/ to register for helping out with the prevention of the deportation - 
I will send more details when we have them
2/ to register for writing a letter to one of the people that sent us a 
message over the fence at Port Headland. Please only reply if you are 
actually able to follow through with this, it is important that no-one 
is left out by mistake or good intention.
3/ To send contacts for Iraqi, Iranian, Bangaladeshi, Kashmir, Syrian, 
Sudaneese, Palestinian, Shri Lankan and Angolan community organisations 
that would be interested in being involved in writing support.

Please send all of this to  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We will attempt to send you scans of the letters so that you have an
idea of where they are at...
in action
freedom bus people xoxoxo




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